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Cover made by mine and only mine, rednight_rivera
Receive all my kisses darlin'.

~ Thunder ~ Lana Del Rey~

"Would you be able to make it to the office malyshka?"

The question hung in the air, its weight met with the peaceful ambiance of my evening.

I was in the midst of a serene moment. Slowly, I eased my foot into the bathwater, a gentle ripple emanating from the point of contact. I tested the temperature with the tip of my toe, the warmth enveloping it perfectly. Satisfied, I allowed the rest of my body to follow suit, sinking into the comforting warmth. The bath was my sanctuary, a place of solitude and relaxation.

On the wooden tray spanning the width of the bathtub, I had arranged my evening companions - my phone, a captivating book, and a candle casting a soft, flickering glow in the dim room. The gentle crackle of the candle's wick and the faint scent of lavender in the air added to the tranquility of the moment.

"Maybe not today," I replied, my voice filled with a mirth that resonated even through the phone. "I don't feel like playing the interrogator to fools." His laughter echoed down the line, a warm, genuine sound that brought a light smile to my face.

I ran my fingers through my hair, flipping it back over my shoulders before leaning further back into the water. The world outside the bath dulled into a distant murmur as I surrendered myself to the comforting embrace of the warm water.

Have you ever considered the idea of being someone's whore instead?"

"Remind me later to be one," I responded, his laughter echoing in the air, a clear indication of the jovial mood he was in. As the conversation went forward, with various threads of gossip that I had been holding onto, eager to spill them to him at the right moment. We also discussed some recent events, those that had colored our lives in unexpected hues over the past few days. Furthermore, we delved into the exploration of some peculiar kinks that had piqued our interest, a topic that always seemed to bring about a sense of intrigue and amusement.

"So, you wouldn't mind if someone took control of your orgasm? If someone denied you of your pleasure? How adventurous can you be, Devana?" His question was laced with amusement and surprise, a light note to his voice as he probed into my intimate boundaries.

"Absolutely, I wouldn't mind at all," I responded confidently, the words rolling off my tongue as I flipped through my book. The novel was an erotic exploration of a couple delving deep into their desires, uncovering new kinks and trying them out together. The concept of orgasm control and primal play had caught my attention, stirring something within me. It was a territory I found intriguing, enticing even.

"And what about the idea of me stimulating your nipples with my hands? Would you be open to that, malyshka?" His voice dropped an octave, the question hanging in the air between us. The thought alone sent a wave of excitement coursing through me. My hand instinctively moved towards my body, hovering above my warmth, the anticipation causing a tingling sensation.

"It's a fucking turn on, Fyo," I managed to answer, my voice noticeably husky. His hum of satisfaction echoed in my ears, a sound that was strangely comforting. I found myself wondering how our conversation had taken such a turn.

"So, you wouldn't mind being gagged and denied an orgasm then?" His words were a challenge, a probing question testing my willingness to explore the unknown.

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