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~ Baby, Baby ~ Sports  ~

"Lucius, are you lacking shirts, or is the heat unbearable for you to indulge in such savagery?"

I sliced through the succulent meat and savored a generous portion. Lev, as expected, had once again excelled in his culinary prowess.

"Are you deaf, Lucius?" I poised my fork over the vegetables and pasta, and took a moderate serving, the spices tantalizing but lacking refinement.

"Lyutsiy..." I made a mental note to reward him handsomely for his efforts. My gaze ascended to meet my godfather's piercing eyes. How unsightly. It had been eons since I had beheld a pair of truly captivating eyes, such as those of my late aunt.

"I have no tolerance for those who feign deafness and arrogance!" he exclaimed.

"Nor do I appreciate those who converse while dining. If you cannot control your tongue, godfather, at least show respect for the culinary masterpiece before us."

Now I'm sure I made his blood boil, giving his bent fork but did I care? Not a bit. I had a schedule to keep. Lives to end. Fangs to feed. And a woman... to capture. It was a strange addition to my list, a woman. My only previous female interactions were the annual pilgrimage to my aunt's grave.

But this woman, she'd crossed a line, waltzed into my domain without invitation. And now, she was messing things up. Keeping her quiet, keeping her out of the picture, was a necessity. After all, a secret this big could bite.


Dusk arrived swiftly, as it often did. Through the gaps in the heavy grey curtains, I witnessed the sky transform, a sudden darkening that whispered of rain. A booming clap of thunder confirmed my suspicions. The clouds gathered, thick and ominous, threatening the earth with flashes of lightning. I pushed past the curtains, now violently billowing in the wind, and stepped out onto the balcony.

Leaning against the railing, I tilted my head towards the stormy sky, letting the wind whip through my dark hair. The first cool drops of rain began to fall, a gentle, soothing patter. I inhaled deeply, the air fresh and alive, before opening my eyes.

The weather was perfect for a late-night drive, wasn't it?


 As I navigated the dimly lit streets of Brooklyn, the relentless drizzle on my exposed arms ignited a surge of exhilaration, my hands clutching the handlebars with unwavering determination. With a slight lean, I accelerated down the highway at a breakneck pace, the wind whistling past me as laughter erupted from my lips.

As the rain began to subside, I cursed the heavens for interrupting my thrill ride. Coasting to a halt at a deserted bus stop, the broken lightbulb flickered uselessly, casting an eerie glow.

Seated on the cold, damp metal, I retrieved a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and lit one. With my head resting against the shelter's wall, I inhaled deeply, the smoke curling from my lips as I hummed a soothing melody. I gazed at the raindrops falling from the roof, each one a fleeting moment lost in time.

The familiar melody of my aunt's lullaby, hummed softly under my breath, washed over me, a wave of serenity. The gentle rustle of leaves and the rhythmic patter of rain conspired to lull me into a state of peaceful rest. Though sleep remained elusive, the comforting sounds brought a sense of tranquility.

Minutes ticked by, the night silent save for the distant chirping of crickets. Then, a whisper, silvery and soft, pierced the stillness. I dismissed it at first, a fleeting thought, a figment of my imagination. But the voice returned, this time more insistent, a seductive murmur that tugged at my attention, stirring something primal within me.

I looked up, startled, to see a small, delicate creature bounding towards me. A lamb, offering itself to the wolf. She stopped before me, a delicate creature, and let loose a series of soft sneezes. As she straightened, I couldn't help but find myself captivated by her beauty. From the crown of her head, barely reaching my chin, to the tip of her tiny, perfectly formed feet, she was a vision of grace.

The woman before me was an odd study of beauty: raven hair framing striking grey eyes, a lithe figure with curves that deserves the worship of my hands while fucking her into oblivion, the faint scar across her eyebrow that added a touch of intrigue and her sultry puckered rosy lips that were saying some shit I wasn't focused on.

Everything about her screamed fuck me. Slutty and needy. 

"Excuse me, sir? Are you listening? It's unwise to stay out in this cold. The temperature has dropped dangerously. It's best to go home and get warm. Sir? Sir?" I was about to tell her to shut the fuck up and get on her knees when I received a sudden text. Who is currently asking for death now?


guess who I finally got a picture of!


Hmm lemme see, your corpse?


do you expect me to laugh *eye roll*


No I expect you to die. 

My gaze lifted from my phone, meeting hers. Her eyes, as cunning as a fox, held a flicker of curiosity. With a beckoning finger, I summoned her like my loyal pet. She obeyed, her hesitation battling within her, but ultimately yielding. I gestured to the space beside me, and she sat without protest. As I returned my attention to my phone, a new message appeared on the screen.


*eye roll* what cock blocked you

You, you little fuck. As I cast my gaze upon my slumbering companion, a diminutive fox, I noticed her gentle snores. With a tender touch, I repositioned her head against my shoulder, ensuring her comfort. Returning my attention to the text, I continued my reading, accompanied by the peaceful rhythm of her breathing.


Arseni. what is it.


i found Devana's picture and info. took a while but still managed to break through. 


Send it then.


i will need some little persuasion *smirks*


The only persuasion you will be getting is a gun down your throat. Now send the picture. That's an order.


tsk! fine here it is.

The photo he sent showed a woman in casual clothes, her eyes, the scar on her face, and her familiar air unmistakable. "So Devana Hristova is my little fox," I muttered, a chuckle bubbling up in my chest and morphing into a sinister laugh. I turned towards the sleeping woman beside me, her peaceful slumber a stark contrast to the storm brewing within me. whose slumber would not be broken by a prince's kiss but by the haunting grip of a nightmare.

I'll have fun fucking you and your whole life, moya Koroleva 

Author's Note

You will be my girl, my girl, my girl, my girl...

Not edited. Probably shit ik but bear with this deranged teen would you darlin'?

Please vote and comment cupcake ♥︎

~ Dark Euphorism

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