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"You despicable child! You've taken many lives, including those dear to me! Do you think their souls will rest? No! Their souls will not rest until you've suffered a thousand times more than they did, more than you made them suffer, Lucius. I curse you, I curse you that on this very night and hour, you will be stabbed. A sword as mighty and cold as yours will be buried deep in your heart, soaked in your vile blood, piercing your devilish soul. Do you know who will grant me this favor, Lucius? Your loved one! The woman you will love and yearn for with all your heart will plunge a knife through your twisted, wicked heart! Mark my words, Lucius, mark them well! You shall-"

My cold azure eyes, like the icy depths of winter lakes, stared at her with a simmering contempt. The darkness swirled around its hypnotic rings, mirroring the storm that raged within me. She was caught in the chilling gaze, her confident speech faltering mid-sentence, devolving into pointless and fearful stutters. Her body began to quiver uncontrollably, like a leaf caught in an unforgiving storm. Panic was etched in her features, and she pushed backward, scrabbling against the dust beneath her in a futile attempt to distance herself from the imminent wrath. A wrath she had unwittingly summoned upon herself through her reckless words and actions. As she retreated, I advanced with slow, deliberate steps. Each footfall echoed ominously through the silence, heightening the tension that hung heavy in the air. The sword in my hand glinted malevolently under the moon, a silent testament to the confrontation that was about to unfold.

"Has the devil cut your tongue?"

Irritated by her silence, I dragged the piece of metal across the dirt as a reminder of the orsening situation she would face if she didn't speak. Her eyes darted between the blade and my face in fear, her body shaking vigorously.

"You were ranting courageously a while ago. Why stop now, Veronika Kuznetsova?"

"Lu-lu-Lucius, Son-"

"Don't you dare refer to me as such... Now, less talking, more action, right Veronika?"

Ignoring her instinct to fight or flee, she looked around for an escape route, unaware that any attempt to run would only hasten her death. Especially from me. I stopped two steps away and pressed the blade into her neck just enough to draw blood. Her screams filled the room as she scrambled to her feet in a futile attempt to escape.

"I wouldn't run if I were you." She stopped and froze midway, beads of sweat visible on the back of her neck, goosebumps apparent on her pale skin. The skin she killed my aunt for. The skin she took from the only woman in the world who loved me. Seeing her alive seared my heart. She deserved death, and death is what I would give her...

Without much thought and abandoning the plans I had to torture her a bit more, I raised the blade and with a swing, her head was off, tumbling in the dust down the hill leaving the blood that seep out of it in its trail. I walked towards the worthless woman whose corpse laid on the dirt-where she truly belonged-her pink satin nightgown soaked in her own blood.

'"Look aunt, look at the woman who made you suffer. Look, she is no more now. I have handed her over to you. Do as you please with her aunt. She is yours to punish."

I thought as I looked up to the pouring heavens, hoping that wherever she was, she could hear me and see what I had proudly done. What I had successfully accomplished was for her and only her. And I'll do more. And more. Until those that took her away from me are wiped off the face of the earth by Lucius Zolotov...*

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