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~ White Mustang ~ Lana Del Rey

"Did you seal the deal with the Moroccan mafia?" the sentence echoed, hanging ominously in the dense, smoky atmosphere. The room was saturated with a thick cloud of smoke emanating from the finest Cuban cigars, an unmistakable signature of opulence and power. Amidst this haze, a symphony of debauchery transpired. Drugs of every conceivable type were being consumed with a reckless abandon - snuffed, injected, and swallowed as if they were the elixir of life.

The air was tainted with the bitter-sweet aroma of alcohol, as drinks flowed like a relentless river, consumed greedily as though they were a lifeline in this world of hedonism. The heady fragrance of the high-priced perfumes worn by the scantily clad prostitutes intermingled with the other scents, creating a nauseating mix that was as intoxicating as it was repulsive.These women, trapped in a never-ending cycle of exploitation, were unflinching in their advances, their touches as persistent as the patrons they catered to. Their laughter echoed hollowly in the room, a stark reminder of the grim reality that lay hidden beneath the façade of glamour and excess.

"I must admit, despite the ludicrous condition they linked to the offer, I managed to steer and prevail," I professed, my eyes fixated on the shot of whiskey rotating slowly within my grip. My gaze was unwavering, staying solely on the amber liquid until it was intercepted by a bold, daring shade of red - a provocative garment hugging its wearer's form as she sauntered towards me with a seductive swagger.

"Lucius, allow me to introduce Amira, our newest addition. She was on the brink of being sold off yesterday when I caught a glimpse of her striking beauty. I couldn't bear the thought of her falling into the wrong, undeserving hands. So, I took it upon myself to purchase her," Godfather declared, pausing to take a satisfying puff from his cigar. "I thought it only fitting to transfer her to your custody instead - to the devil's hands."

I allowed my gaze to gradually ascend from the captivating silhouette of her body to her face. Half of her visage was concealed beneath a scarlet veil, extravagantly embroidered with an array of beads and jewels, enhancing her allure. Her eyes were cunning, reminiscent of a certain creature. A vixen. However, under no circumstance, and in no reality, could she ever become my little vixen. She was indeed an embodiment of physical beauty, but my little vixen possessed a beauty that ran much deeper - it coursed through her veins, pulsated in her chest, and resided within her very soul.

Her hypnotic hip movement ceased the moment she arrived at my feet, leaving me in suspense of her next action. To my amusement, she knelt before me in submission. She bowed her head, gently placed her delicate fingers on my polished shoes and proclaimed, "I am yours and only yours, master. I will obey solely your commands. If I should ever dare to defy your orders, do not hesitate to impale my heart with a sword, that I may die a fittingly painful death and atone for my transgressions."

Oh...what a shame, 

I mused internally, a faint smirk playing mischievously on my lips as I observed her. Slowly, almost tentatively, I reached out towards her, my index finger delicately tracing the contours of her face. Gently, I lifted her chin with the tips of my fingers, pulling her closer to me. The intimacy of the moment was palpable, a whispered tension hanging in the air between us.

As I held her chin between my thumb and forefinger, I found myself drawn into the abyss of her gaze. I sought some indication of her feelings, some fleeting emotion mirrored in her eyes. However, her eyes were as void of emotion as mine, shattered fragments reflecting a broken soul as mine, her longing for someone...as mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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