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Hey darlin! 

This awareness is dedicated to those who have been diagnosed with Psychopathic personality disorder


Many of us might have heard of the word psychopath but do we know that it is actually a disorder?

Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, poor self-control, lack of empathy, and sadistic behaviors resulting in antisocial criminal behavior. Psychopathy has proven to be among the most hidden personalities in the disorders list. For the reason why? we will explore further.

Psychopathy has had a great influence on people's mental health as it makes them anti-social thereby slowly leading it to being a disorder. Psychopathy can also be termed ASPD which stands for Anti-Social Personality Disorder. People with ASPD can experience some of its symptoms and signs right from childhood. They can showcase some actions that has a slight bit of resemblance with a serial killer's before it gradually becomes aggressive as they grow. 


People who suffer from ASPD are very open to murderous thoughts and their temper are...deadly. We may not know how to identify them because their nature is rare so you may not know if the dude sitting next to you in the train is a psychopath (ask him to marry you psychopaths love hard and can kill for their lovers).

The male lead, Lucius Zolotov has been created to be a perfect example of a man with ASPD. Oh! forgot to add ASPD characters can be two faced. The can appear to be kind but when you blink they are literally the monsters beneath your bed (They may actually go under your bed just to harm you or fuck your soul to shreds). So, Lucius is a two-faced bastard (yeah he's illegitimate) that is a psychopath by nature and eventually falls in love at first sight with a detective he's supposed to kill and shit. But she falls in love with her and slowly but surely begins revealing to her his sick mindset but Devana got her own fucked up mind that accepts fucked up people.

So as usual don't come in here looking for only smut and dark shit. Look for different ways people express their love, look for the exiles of society, look for different mindsets and beliefs, look for the tattered, reckless devils who were once pure angels

Having succeeded in spreading the good word (I hope).

Happy reading babydoll!

Author's Note

Keep making me laugh, let's go get high...

Tis book might be Lana coded. She's mother.

Please vote and comment babydoll♥︎

~ Dark Euphorism

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