Stan Marsh x Reader

683 7 20

Spontanious Study Date

Ages of Characters:

Stan - 17
Wendy - 17
Tolkien - 18 (just go with it)
Y/n - 17

Author's POV:

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Birds chirping, flowers blooming, a particularly excited raven haired teen casually kicking her best friend's bedroom door in. You know, the usual.

The sudden impact caused our protagonist to shoot upright, frantically looking around her room like a Meerkat. She let out a deep sigh once her eyes landed on her classmate.

"Jesus fuck, Wendy! What is wrong with you?!" The H/c girl yelled, slowly yet roughly laying back down while rubbing her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, but I need your help!" Her friend exclaimed, practically bouncing on the spot. The tired girl sighed, peeking through her fingers at the alarm clock by her bed.

"Wendy, it's 10 in the fucking morning. What could you Possibly need help with?" She asked, her words kinda muffled as her hands pulled on the skin of her face as her eyes rolled to look at the ravenette.

"I have a date!" She squealed, clapping her hands together.

"Okay and?"

"Annnd, I need to you keep Stan busy."

"Again?? Bitch, this is getting old." Her friend snapped, glaring slightly at the so-called 'Angel of the school'. "I can't keep doing this. Just break up with him already."

"And risk Tolkien losing interest in this risque thing we got going on?? Fuck no!" She yelled, crossing her arms over her still flat chest. This made Y/n sigh.

"What's in it for me?" She asked, pushing herself up. Wendy blinked.


"You heard me." You told her, leaning forward to rest you chin on your palm. "I've been doing this for what, 3 months now? I want some sort of payment. So, what's in it for me?"

"Uhh, nothing..?" Her friend muttered, making our now ticked protagonist tut and roll her eyes.

"Then go find someone else to cover for you." She said bluntly, moving to grab the edge of her covers and laying down.

"Wait!" Wendy exclaimed, making Y/n pause. "I'lllll... Hook you up with whoever you like..?" She suggested, tilting her head in thought. That propostion peaked her interest.

"You mean it?" Y/n asked, watching the ravenette nod. "Hmm, how about Stan?"

"Huh?!" The teen squeaked, her eyes about popping out her sockets. "You're joking!"

"I'm really not." Her friend deadpanned. Believe it or not, Y/n here has fancied the pants off the bland-ish boy for-fucking-ever.

Despite only ever speaking to him either at school or when Wendy was in need of a cover, Y/n would always drop subtle hints to her love interest. The only problem with that was the numbnut was too infatuated with his 'girlfriend', said hints just go straight over that already empty head of his.

"But you of all people should know he's off limits!"

"Is he though..?" Y/n asked, tilting her head at her friend. "I mean, when was the last time you agreed to go out on a date with him?"

"Y/n, I'm not setting you up with My Boyfriend!" She yelled, stomping her foot like the fucking child she may as well be.

"Then, I'm not helping." She told her as she flopped back down and curled back up in her covers. "You know where the front door is."

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