Clyde Donovan x Goth!Reader

150 5 9

Big Tiddie Goth Girlfriend

Ages of Characters:

Everyone is around 16/17 except Michael, obvi, being 18

Just a quick warning, there are themes of a sexual nature in this, but nothing too extreme..? Idfk, but the pair of you have a "subtle in public, clear in private" sub/dom relationship

Author's POV:

"Dude, fuck off. You don't have a girlfriend."

These words had offended our brunette protagonist, causing him to gasp.

"Yes I do!"

"No, you don't." The ravenette in a blue chullo hat scoffed. "You're just saying that to try and make Bebe jealous."

"I don't like Bebe!" Clyde retorted, rolling his eyes at the mention of her name.

"Oh yeah? Then why do you keep running back to her?"

"I'll have you know, I haven't ran back to her in 3 months!"

"Wow, s-s-someone get t-th-this kid a m-m-m-me-medal." The school's comidic cripple chimed in, causing some of the guys to chuckle.

"Shut up, Jimmy." The brunette snarled, glaring at him. The other brunette rolled his eyes, albeit be with slight difficutly. The topic died down as they went on about other stuff, that was until the school's ever so 'beautiful' Wendy Testaburger waltzed up.

"Hello boys~!" She chirped, standing at the foot of the table with a sweet smile on her face. Though she was immediately met with a middle finger. "Nice to see you too, Craig..."

"What do you want, Wendy?" The group's most tolerable boy asked and the ravenette looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"I'm glad you asked!" She beamed, smiling wider. "I am here to invite you all to my party next week! My parents have booked the community pool out for it so it'll just be whoever I invite."

The gang looked between themselves, as if having a silent conversation. Though an idea popped into one of their heads.

"Are we allowed plus ones?" Craig randomly asked, quickly glancing at the Jock opposite him.

"Uh, I don't see why not..?" The girl replied, quite confused at the sudden question.

"Then we'll be there." He stated, sending Wendy on her merry way.

"C-Craig! What was t-that?!" His boyfriend, Tweek, asked, his neck twitching with a sickening crack. "Idontwanttogotoaparty!"

"Honey, you'll be fine. You don't need to participate in anything." He assured the blond, pulling him closer by the shoulder. "I just think it's time we met this 'girlfriend' of Clyde's."

This made Clyde's eyes widen as he shot Craig a look.


"You heard me." The boy in blue taunted, his face as blank as ever. "Get this mysterious girlfriend you claim to have to go to the party with you."

"I already know she won't go." The brunette replied, glancing away from his friend's piercing gaze. "She's... Not like us."

"Y-Yeah, be-b-bec-because she's p-p-probably imagin-n-n-na-nary." Jimmy quipped and that made the table erupt into laughter.

Clyde recoiled a bit, the familiar tingly sensation shooting through his nose as his eyes began to well up. He knew he should be used to this kind of teasing, but it still hurts him somehow.

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