Yandere!Style x Reader

245 6 5

Stockholm Syndrome

Ages of Characters:

Stan - 18
Kyle - 18
Kenny - 18
Y/n - 17


Author's POV:

It was Friday morning and you and your boyfriends were all sleeping peacefully. Well, that was until the shrill ringing of an alarm made you jolt awake. You groaned, lifting your head up to find yourself in the middle of the two.

"Oh, for fucks sake..." You grumbled before you turned over to look at the ravenette beside you. You lazily shook his shoulder, causing him to let out a snore. Ugh...

You pushed yourself up, shakily getting onto your knees before reaching over and grabbing his phone. You squinted as the screen kept flashing and was looking around for the stop button. You was about to click on it before someone's hand wrapped around your wrist.

"What do you think you're doing..?"

You gulped slightly, your tired eyes widening as slowly you looked down to see that the boy below you was now awake.

"I-I was just about to t-turn the alarm off... I didn't mean to wake you up..." You mumbled quietly before the phone slid out your hand and into his own. He also squinted at the flashing screen before shutting the alarm off.

He sighed before he pushed you back down, his arm lazily laying over your waist.

"How many times have I told you not to touch my phone?" He asked, his tired yet annoyed eyes boring into your own apprehensive ones.

"A-A lot..." You whispered, looking down at the pillow under your head.

"And what do you keep doing?" He asked again and you could tell by his tone that this wasn't gonna end well. You mumbled the answer, wanting to just bury yourself under the covers and disappear. But his hand pinched your waist, making you jolt and squeak a little. "I can't hear you."

"I k-keep touching it..." You said, a bit louder but not loud enough to disturb the boy behind you.

"Exactly. We'll be discussing your punishment while we're at school. Now go make a start on breakfast before Kyle wakes up." He told you and you just nodded. His arm slid off your waist and you pushed yourself up once more.

Your legs were still shaky from the night before and everything, and I mean Everything, was aching. You carefully stepped off the mattresses and quietly made your way over to the stairs, creeping up them as to not make any noise.

Once you made it to the top, you put your ear up against the door to check for any noises. You had no clue why you had to do this. Your boyfriend just told you to do it everytime you left your room, so it's become apart of your daily routine.

All you heard was silence, meaning it was safe to go out. So you quietly pulled on the handle of the door and turned it, pushing the door open. You looked around, noticing it was still dark outside. Was it even morning..? You shook your head before scampering into the kitchen to make a start on breakfast for the boys.

You raided the cupboards and the fridge for stuff to cook for them before settling on just some pancakes and poptarts, since they're quick to make. You hummed quietly to yourself, making up some random tune as the batter sizzled in the pan.

Meanwhile, the redhead downstairs began to stir. He huffed a little before sitting up, casually sniffing the air.

"Ugh... What time is it..?" He mumbled, one of his large, pale hands coming up to rub his face. The ravenette beside him hummed, quickly checking his phone.

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