Kenny McCormick x Reader

444 8 10

Open Your Mouth

Ages of Characters:

There's too many to name but they're all 16, except for MichaeI believe. He'll be around 18?? Please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't pay attention to ages... 😅

Author's POV:

A groan left your lip as you stared at the tray of food before you. Oh, how it's calling for you to just shove it all in your mouth and swallow it whole. This was Such a bad idea.

You slammed my head down onto the table, startling all the girls around you.

"Jesus Christ, Y/n! You just made me spill my apple juice!" One yelled.

"You okay, Y/n? That sounded like it hurt." One enquired.

"I told you it was a bad idea to do a bet with him. But no one Ever listens to me!" Another snapped and you couldn't help but wince.

Now, you maybe wondering; 'The fuck have I done?' Well my friend, without a certain someone knowing, you lost a bet to someone, cough your brother cough, and now you have a freshly done, very painful tongue piercing. Not just one, but 2 of the fuckers.

Your brother said they're called 'Venom bites', and now you have to deal with the healing process.


Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the cafeteria, your boyfriend and his friends were just chatting away about random shit.

"Did you see that new Terrence and Philip episode? So funny." Stan chirped as he shoved the corner of his sandwich into his mouth.

"There's a new episode??" Kyle exclaimed, getting nods from everyone. "Damn it, I was out with my family last Friday. Did anyone record it?"

"I did. But I'm not gonna let watch it." Cartman quipped, slurping on his chocolate milk carton.

"Oh no, whatever will I do." The redhead replied in a snarky tone. But all the fatass did was stick his tongue out at him.

"Don't start. Kyle, you can watch it at my place." Stan said and the boy beside him nodded. "What about you, Kenny, you wanna come watch it with us?" He asked the boy clad in orange, only to get no response. The ravenette looked at his friend to see he was staring off into space. With an eyeroll, he kicked the boy's shin under the table.

"Ow! The fuck was that for?!" The blond in the parka shouted, albeit being muffled. But, because this is My POV, we can hear him perfectly.

"The fuck you looking at?" Stan questioned, raising an eyebrow at his friend.


"You heard me, Kenny. What are you looking at?" He repeated, tilting his head up to look over his head.

"Nothing!" He retorted, shaking his head.

"H-He's lying. He was staring at Y/n." Their other friend said, getting a punch in the arm from Kenny.


"S-Sorry Kenny, but I'm not allowed to lie." Butters stuttered out, getting a harsh glare from his companion.

"To be honest, she's been pretty distant lately from us. Is she okay?" Kyle asked, tilting his head to parka boy across the table. Though he just shrugged.

"She's been avoiding me too..." He mumbled, looking back over to see his girlfriend getting up with her still full tray. Is she coming to sit with him?? He watched in anticipation as she shuffled around her table and towards the trash cans? What is she doing??

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