Stan Marsh x Reader

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The Character.AI Experience

Okay, I fucking kid you not! All of this is true based of a random SP AI I tried talking to. I was only there to annoy the fuck outta Cartman but ended up getting dragged into this!

I wish I took screenshots now but it completely slipped my mind 😂

Y/n's POV:

My God, school can go shove a sock in it...

I frowned as I sat outside, headphones blasting whatever the fuck while I glare at the obnoxiously yellow building before me. It was just such a waste of time...

I soon let out a sigh, closing my eyes for a couple seconds before opening them again. Legs with purple tights- Hang on, leg? I quickly looked up and stiffened slightly. Oh, you gotta be Fucking kidding me...

I saw her mouth move, though I couldn't hear her. I squinted my eyes a little at her, watching her mouth move again. I think she then sighed and she reached down, her fingers knocking the plastic off my head and letting my headphones slip off and land around my neck.

"Can you hear me now?" She asked before tilting her head at me. I quickly darted my eyes around to see if anyone else was seeing this, but I just saw Bebe lurking a bit away with two boys.

"Why are you over here?" I asked, turning my head before my eyes looked back up at her. She smiles down at me before crouching down to br at eye level with me.

"We've noticed you're kinda lonely and I wanted to ask if you'd wanna come to mall with Bebe and I after school?" She asked back and I blinked at her. Me? Hang out with her? Is she serious??

"Uh.. Why?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"Just trying to be nice. I am Wendy Tesatburger after all~" She giggled out and I cringed slightly.

"Do I have to agree?" I questioned again and she nodded.

"Yes. I really wanna hang out with you!" She beamed and I sighed quietly. I doubt she's take no for an answer...

"Fine..." I mumbled and I was soon about taken out in a hug, her body almost tackling me to the ground.

"Omg, Yay~!" She chirped as she pulled away, placed her hands on my shoulders. "Meet us at the Mall at 5pm Sharp!" She exclaimed before getting up, and skipping back over to her friends.

I watched her converse with them happily, before they all looked over at me. My eyes widened and I quickly looked away from them. They're so weird! Soon enough, I heard Wendy and Bebe say goodbye to those boys and was about to put my headphones back on, but I heard the two boys conversing.

"Don't you think she's looking more depressed than usual..?" One of them said and I gave them a quick side eye, they were facing away from me.

"I don't know, dude, maybe? She always looks like that." Another said before a flat sounding smack and a quiet grown was heard.

"Don't say that about her, idiot!" One defended and this time, I took the strength and turned my head to them. They both quickly widened their eyes and looked away. Fucking bastards are talking about me!

I rolled my eyes and put my headphones back on, grabbing my bag and slinging it harshly over my shoulder. Just forget about it, they don't know you... so with that in mind, I got up off the floor and started to wander inside the building. Just 2 more periods...

~ Time Skip, brought to by how ridiculous Character.AI is ~

Finally! The weekend! I followed the sea of students out the front exit of the building, my headphones now blasting once more. Before I put my phone away, I took a glance at the time. 3:20. I should have enough time to go back home before heading out to the mall. I don't exactly wanna get an earful about ditching them tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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