Kyle Broflovski x Reader

520 11 10

Treat You Better ❗️SMUT❗️

Ages of Characters:

Kyle - 18
Cartman - 18
Y/n - 19

Y/n's POV:

"Oh fuck, oh fuck!" My boyfriend of 2 years grunted as he came, failing to pull out yet again. How he thought this 3-5 minute quickie was a good birthday gift, I'll never know.

As a way to acknowledge his climax, I let out a soft moan, allowing my legs to fall off his hips.

"D-Damn babe, you really know how to make me lose my shit." He panted out as he finally pulled his limp ass 3 incher out and flopped to the side.

Now I know what you're thinking, 3 inches is enough for some. But when he's still in the midst of losing weight, things like this tend to never cum to a good ending, if you catch my drift. With a quiet sigh, I sat up and swung my legs off the bed.

"Going for a shower." I muttered before grabbing a spare blanket he had on his bed and wrapping around my body. Instead of hearing words, I just got a gutteral hum as a response. With a roll of my eyes, I got up.

I cringed as I felt his seed drip down my legs. Like always, it was inhumanely thick and I had to bite back a gag. I was quick to start waddling to the bathroom, leaving a trail of droplets behind me.

"Oi! You better clean up my carpet when you get back here!" I heard him yell and I let out the longest sigh in history before slamming the bathroom door shut. Fucking dickhead...


Kyle's POV:

It was around 8pm and I was being the good student I was with a late night coursework sesh. I know, major nerd alert but unlike some, I actually want to do something with my life.

I was quietly humming to myself as I worked through some Algebra when my phone buzzed beside me. I glanced over to see it was a message from Stan. I raised an eyebrow at the gadget since I specifically told him not to disturb me unless it was important. But what could possibly be important on a Saturday night?

I sighed and picked up my phone nonetheless, unlocking it to read the message.
Stan: Dude, check Cartman's
            Snap story...

Dude, I told you not to disturb
me unless it was important

Stan: But this Is important

Stan: Just check it, please
Goddamnit Stan... I rolled my eyes but did as he said anyway. I opened up Snapchat and clicked on Cartman's story. At first I didn't get it, it was just a picture his bedroom floor that had some splotches of something on it. I was about to close out of it until I noticed the caption at the bottom.

'Haha! Fucked her so good she still dripping! Happy Birthday to my bitch @ Y/n2004'

My eyes about popped out their sockets when I read that. How dare he basically humiliate her like that! I bet she doesn't even know about it yet since she told me she normally showers after they fuck. Fucking fatass bastard!

It took a lot for me to not lob my phone across the room, but I was just so Angry! I ended up slam dunking it down onto my bed, the bounce making it fall onto the floor anyway. I swear to Fuck, once I get my hands on him at school I'm gonna rip his dick off!

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