Butters Stotch x Reader

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Ages of Characters:

Butters - 14
Cartman - 14
Kenny - 14
Kyle - 14
Stan - 14
Y/n - 13

Y/n's POV:

I pouted as I heard cheering and shouting from downstairs. They were playing games and watching movies that I wasn't allowed to watch, according to my brother anyway. Which is total bullcrap! He was a only year older than me!

I huffed at the thought before kicking the covers off my legs and getting out of bed. If Eric can watch stuff, then I can too! I quietly marched towards my bedroom door and pulled it open.

"Dude, on the right!"

"I got it!"

I felt my lips pull into a frown. This isn't fair! I'm never allowed my friends around this late! I gently stomped over to the stairs my F/a stuffie cuddled to my chest. Yes I still have stuffed animals, deal with it.

I sat down at the top of the stairs and slowly butt shuffled down them, being as quiet as possible. Their laughs and yells got louder the further down I got. I wish I could do stuff like this. I stopped on a step that had a perfect view of the TV from between the bannister grates and I leaned against one of the wooden pillars.

By the looks of it, they were playing Smash Bros and I couldn't stop the quiet sigh that left my lips.

"Don't you dare- Fuck! You stupid Jew, why'd you do that?!?"

"Oh shut it, fatass! I was totally beating you!"

"Was not!

"Was too!"

"Was not!!"

"Was- Hey! That was so uncalled for Kenny!!"


I giggled quietly to myself as I watched their characters fly in all directions on the screen.

"Mmph mmmmhphhh!!"

"Ha! Serves you right, you poor bastard! Nice shot, Stan."

I smiled as they kept fighting, Kirby soon being the victorious one out them all.

"Oh, goddamnit!"

"Well done, Stan!"

"T-That was really impressive!"

My eyes widened as I heard that unforgettable stutter. He was here?? At this time of night??? I'm surprised he wasn't grounded yet.

I shuffled down a little more until my feet hit the floor and I pushed myself up, tiptoeing towards the back of the couch. Thankfully no one noticed me, but I saw my brother and Kenny on the floor while Stan, Kyle and Butters were on the couch. I heard one of them yawn.

"Dude, what time is it?" I think Kyle as since I saw his arm come up and possibly rub his eye.

"Uhh, Around 11:30 I think..?" I read Stan mutter before he began to turn his head. Oh crap! The clock was behind me! Before I fully turned, I hit the deck with a soft thud. "Yeah, it's 11:30."


"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting tired." Kyle told everyone and a couple murmurs responded to him.


"M-Me too..."

"God, you guys are such killjoys!" My brother scolded before I heard the carpet shuffle as if he had gotten up. "But since I am tired too, I'll let you all go grab what you need."

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