I wake up and see its super dark. The last thing I remember was chains and whips on my body. I curl in a ball and hold myself as whatever I am in rises up. I close my eyes and wait when suddenly the box stops. I look up when something opens and blinds me making me cover my face.
"It's a girl?" a voice asks.
"She's pretty."
"Alby what does this mean."
"Go get her Gally." a boy says patting another boy. He jumps down making me have flash backs of a whip about to come across my body when a boy steps in front of me. "Don't touch her." he says in a soft kind voice.
"Move boy!" a voice yells.
I can't see faces but I feel his warm hand help me stand and wrap an arm around me. "Janson let them go." a girl voice says making the man step aside and let the boy walk me by with his arm still around me.
I am snapped back to reality when he kneels down and whispers "Hey there." I am too scared to speak so instead of saying anything I just sit and stare. "Can you not speak?" he asks but I am too scared to speak.
"Get her out so we can ask her if she remembers anything." some boy says with some type of accent. The boy in the box looks back down at me and asks, "Can you walk?"
I slowly stand up and follow him out of the box. Once I am on solid ground I and surrounded by boys. I grab the boys arm that was in the box with me and hide my face in his chest feeling safe. I take deep breaths and whisper "100....95.....90......85...."
It doesn't work as I hear "Look Gally got himself a girlfriend."
"Ooooo lucky."
"I will win her over he won't have her for long."
By now I am full on hugging him I let tears fall scared out of my mind. Gally wraps his arms around me then yells "Leave her alone and get back to work shanks!!"
I don't look up from Gally's chest till I hear "Its ok to look up now there are only 3 of us." a boy says so I slowly lift my head and look at Gally. His green eyes stare into mine as he wipes a falling tear.
"It's ok they won't hurt you." he says making me nod. I slowly turn but still stand in front of Gally holding one of his hands with both of mine. I observe two boys 1 blonde, white one and one black one.
"I'm Alby and this is Newt. Do you remember anything?" Alby asks. I start to think, and I only come up with that one memory, but it was so pointless, so I just shake my head no.
"Do you know your name?" Newt asks. I think long and hard before remembering my name is Hazel. I smile and shake my head up and down making Newt chuckle. "Well, when you feel ready write it down and tell us I will have Gally show you the tour since your more comfortable with him and welcome to the glade." Alby says before walking away with Newt and leaving me with Gally.