Chapter 1

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I had been sitting here for three hours. I had been bored. There was nothing to do. Just bored as it is.
Herobrine was out having his fun. I don't even know what, but I didn't even want to know. It was pretty normal.
I got up and began to walk around the castle. I decided to take a stroll outside. I had a guard with me to keep me company.
He followed me to a bookstore that I noticed when I left the town square. I went in and searched the books. There were so many!!! I jumped. I loved to read.
I saw a book on the history of Minecraftia and a few books called Twilight. I ignored those. I also saw a book on how Notch came to power of the throne. It was interesting. I took the history of Minecraftia and the other and went up to the counter.
"Good day,your highness,"she said."What can I get you?"
"These two books ma'am," I answered politely.
"That'll be thirty iron ingots plus if you want this one it'll be forty." She showed me a book on spells. This was to be interesting.
"Here you go, my lady," I said.
She nodded. "Have a good day,your highness."
I carried my books home. When I got home, I placed the other two in a chest and looked at the spell book. I wanted to learn magic.
Later, Herobrine joined me in the library. He looked over my shoulder.
"What you got there,(y/n)?" He asked.
"Spell book," I said.
He nodded. "Magic, huh?"
"Mmhm," I said.
By evening, I learned two different spells. They were freeze and mind control. It was cool because I tested it out on out a guard and it worked. Good thing I didnt harm him.
Herobrine came upstairs later. "What's up?"
"Nothing much," I answer.
"Learn any magic?" He asked.
"Yep. Mind control and freeze."
He nodded. "Does it work?"
"Of course,"I said with a smile.
I stood up and kissed Herobrine on the cheek. He grabbed me after walking back and kissed me. Then he whispered in my ear. "You know I love you,(y/n). I'll never let anyone hurt you ever. Do you know that?"
"Yes, Hero," I said, smiling.
He let me roam around. And then we went to bed.

In the end- Queen Ender's pov-
"My little pets," I said. "Soon we'll take over Minecraftia from my arch nemisis, King Herobrine."
My little ender dragon hissed in agreement. He walked up to me and curled up in my lap. He fell to sleep.
I began to stroke his neck."Don't worry, my little pet. We'll conquer all."
I laughed evily.

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