Chapter 7

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(Y/n) pov-
I walked the halls with no problem. I was talking with one of the maids. She and I were friends. Her name was Ezmerelda. She was about twenty one.
"So how is your dragon?" She asked politely.
"Solar, he's good," I answered.
Solar was listening to our conversation. He looked at me and nudged my neck. I stoked his neck. He kept nudging me.
"What is wrong with you?" I asked him.
He kept nudging me until I saw an explosion up ahead. I stopped and heard a female laugh. Then I saw her walk out.
"Oh if it isn't the queen of Minecraftia," she sneered. "You will be killed first. And oh the little dragon. He is mine you know. He was my secret messenger."
I looked at Solar. He gave me a sorry look. I grabbed him and dropped him onto the floor. He looked at me as I snarled at him.
"See he knows that he told me all of your plans," the end queen said.
I starred at the dragon then at her. She grinned and walked up to me. She drew a sword and smiled and said,"I will make sure you're dead before long."
I drew my sword. I starred at her. "So you want to fight. I can do that!"
She ran at me and sliced my side. I held it for a moment and looked at her. I swung my sword and cut her arm. She hissed and came towards the dragon. I jumped in the way and kicked her leg. She was given a dead leg. She limped over to me and cut my stomach and sliced my leg open. I fell down and I was unable to get up.
"You are as weak as a helpless sheep," she said. She laughed and walked away.
Ezmerelda left to get help so it was just me and Solar. He came over to me and whine. I glared at him saying, "Why are you here?! You tricked us! Now what?! Are you gonna hurt me now?! Go ahead! Scram!"
He looked at me then scampered off. I watched him run around the corner. I was left alone until I saw Ezmerelda with Hero. He walked over to me and kneeled at my side.
He picked me up and asked,"What happened?"
I shook and began to speak. "T-the queen of t-the end is h-here. She attacked m-me."
He hugged me closed to him and called for the guards. "Guards, hunt down the End queen and kill her. I need to take care of (y/n)."
He carried me out into the courtyard.
Solars pov-
I ran from (y/n). I was upset for lying to her. It made me feel guilty because she actually cared for me. I had to help her. It was what I was going to do.
Behind me, I saw Queen Ender walking towards me. She grinned and kicked me aside. She laughed and said,"You are a tupid fool. You are no use no more. Now go before i kill you."
I ran. I climbed the walls and saw Herobrine and (y/n). She was hurt badly. I whined and Herobrine noticed me.
"What do you want,traitor?"he yelled.
I shifted doing body motions. Hero was confused when he finally understood what I was saying. I threw him a healing potion and I glided down. (Y/n) was unconscious.
"This should help the healing. After she drinks it, she should be healed in half an hour," he said.
I climbed onto him. I felt bad that I put her through this. So I hummed and he placed me on top of (y/n).
He walked and sat down in a seat. He covered his face. Poor Herobrine. He had two things to deal with. His wife's life and Queen Ender.
-timeskip to night-
(Y/n) pov-
I sat up in bed and saw Solar. He was starring at me. I grabbed him and hugged him. "I'm sorry for yelling at you," I said.
After I said that, I felt something rip into my mind. It hurt and it felt like it was connecting to my brain. There was a voice that was Solar's. '(Y/n), its me Solar. I have my mind linked to yours. I broke the link with Queen Ender. Now you have my link and contact. I am yours now.'
I felt a bit stronger. I spoke to him. 'Solar, how were you able to do this?'
'I just am,' he said. 'And now we will fight!'

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