Chapter 2

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(Y/n) pov-
I yawned as the sun hit my face. I sat up and stretched. Herobrine was laying there quietly. He was so peaceful when he "slept".
I crawled out of bed. I dressed and brushed my hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror.
"Good morning,princess," said Herobrine.
I smiled and looked at the messy Herobrine. "Good morning, Hero."
He stretched and crawled out of bed. He came and hugged me. It felt good. I hummed at the way he was rubbing my arms. It felt like pleasure.
He turned me around to kiss him. He kissed me and I kissed him back. We loved each other. We were meant for each other.
"So, what does my little queen want to do today?" He asked in a playful tone.
"Whatever my king wants to do," I said.
He picked me up and carried me to the bed. He slips my shirt off and starts massaging my chest. He kissed me while his free hand slipped down into my pants. I felt it hit the nether regions. I felt the jolts of pleasure.
Herobrine went up to my ear and whispered gently. "This is the fun part."
I chuckled a little.
After about half an hour, we made our way down stairs. We sat at our thrones a watched over the huge cooridoors. I hummed a little tune that mom used to sing to me. I felt good.
Herobrine looked at me and smiled. "I love you,(y/n)."
"I love you too, Herobrine," I said.
We starred at each other as the cooridoors slammed open. Guards came in with three prisoners. Two males and one female.
"Your highness, we found these fools selling illegal items. One even murdered a citizen," the guard said.
The prisoners looked up.
"I'll decide," Herobrine said. "Execution for all. Guards remove (y/n). I don't need her seeing this."
The guards moved towards me and moved me out into the library. The cooridoors closed as I heard screams. They were death screams.
I ran up to the huge doors and banged my fists on them. I called for Herobrine and the doors opened back up. I ran and hugged my Hero.
He hugged me back. He lifted my head gently and I saw his face. It was covered in blood.
"I'm sorry,(y/n). I'm sorry." He squeezed me tightly. "I didn't need you seeing that."
I felt tears fall off of my cheeks. I started crying. It brought back memories of when Notch executed my older sister, Danialla. I squeezed him tightly. I was upset.
"Don't worry, little dove. I have you." He kissed my head and stroked my hair gently.
I said,"Thankyou, Herobrine. You always cheer me up." I frowned again.
He looked at me with worry. "What's wrong?"
"I-its just- Oh, forget it," I said.
"Tell me,(y/n). Tell me. It won't help if you don't tell me," he said.
"It brings me back to Notch," I said. "He killed my older sister, Daniela. He-he executed her for no reason." I cried hardly in his arms.
"Poor (y/n). I love you. Notch isn't here to torment us any longer. Calm down. Shhh. Shhh." He stroked my hair.
"Thanks. I think I feel much better," I said. I looked into his eyes. We kissed. It made me feel better.

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