Chapter 8

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Queen Ender's pov-
I was walking and kill in the guards who were coming after me. I had my endermen waiting outside the catsle walls. In was going to signal them to attack at full force. This felt great. It was amazing. I was going to be queen!
I laughed as I dropped a gaurd that had just attacked me. I was getting ready. I was having to have fun. Mwahahahahaha!
(Y/n) pov-
I stood up and grabbed my sword. I sheathed it and walked over to Hero with Solar on my shoulders. Hero looked up and hugged me. "We are ready to battle," I said.
He nodded. "Our forces are ready."
I followed Hero to the armory. We put on armour and called r Sheldon. He walked up and bowed. "Your highnesses, we are ready. The queen has much endermen beyond the walls."
"We will stand our ground," Hero said.
I walked with Herobrine into the bisg room. I spok loud and clear. "Guards, this is going to be a deadly battle. We are fighting to save Minecraftia from a great evil that has risen. We will fight with honor! We will fight to save our civilians from Queen Ender's wrath! Most of you won't make it! Even those who die will know they fought with honor! Those who make it will be honored as well! We know this is a battle that we'll never forget. We will stand our ground. We fight with honor. For the land of Minecraftia!"
All of the guards cheered. "That was a good speech," Hero said.
I nodded. "If I die, just know I will always love you."
"Me too," he said.
We kissed before leaving into a world of war.

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