Chapter 5

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(Y/n) pov-
I entered the bedroom. I saw Solar sleeping. It was adorable. I walked over to him and vered him up with a blanket. He cuddled even more.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I swiftly turned around and saw Hero. I smiled.
"You scared me," I said.
"Sorry (y/n)," he said. "We talked about our plans and stuff."
I nodded. "Good. Now we have things planned out."
Hero hugged me and kissed my lips. I kissed him back. "I love you, my little dove."
"I love you too," I said.
We hugged and walked back over to the d. We sat and liked at each other. It felt normal to be with my husband.
Herobrine's pov-
I watched as (y/n) layed her head in my lap. I stoked her hair gently and kissed her forehead. It was tiringf being royalty especially if we have to care for a young dragon.
When (y/n) dozed off, I moved her head and layer it on the bed. I stood up and checked on the dragon.
He layed in his bed peacefully. He was a heavy sleeper, even when I touched him. He twitchd a little but stayed asleep.
After a little while, I was in the throne room when (y/n) joined me. She looked like a mop head. Her hair was a mess. I would understand though.
She looked at me and smiled. "What have you been doing for the time being?"
"Sitting here bored as ever," I said.
She laughed and sat in her throne.
(Y/n) pov-
I yawned. It was hard. I had just gotten up and I wanted to be with Hero.
I knew he was right next to me though. I wasn't going to whine.
He looked at me and gave me a gentle nudge. I looked at him with a smile. I playfully nudged him back. We kept going until we got bored. Hero won the game.
Queen Enders pov-
I kept going over the information I received earlier. Now I must figure out how I must drive away the guards at the portal. I had an idea to send an enderman out there and distract them while o get in. I'll sedate them and I'll get through.
I smiled at my idea. It was perfect. But I must wait though. The time will be when the second full moon appears. I will be stronger then and I'll take over Minecraftia!
I was going to not only be queen of the End but of Minecraftia! This was perfect. I will be stronger! Mwahahahaha!

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