Chapter 9

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I remember when dad always told me life was hard. Life wasn't always going to be peaceful and happy. That you had to fight for it. Well today was the day we were going to fight for it, the kingdom and all.
When we all got outside, the kingdom was on fire. Enderman were attacking. And their queen watched from above. I looked at her and she caught my eye. Shenlaughed and said, "Come to die?"
I growled and yelled,"You are a fool if you think that is whats gonna happen to me!"
She called her enderman to attack. Hero told our soldiers to attack.
While they went, the endermen surrounded Hero,Solar and I. I was starring at one when it teleported to me and attacked me. I drew my sword and attacked him. He fell limply the ground. Another attacked and I killed it.
As we fought, more and more came. Solar was helping me with the ones I fought while Hero fought on his own.
Soon,we were out numbered. We were overthrown and almost killed. Many of our troops too, were falling. We were loosing the battle.
"Herobrine, we are about to fall!" I called.
Hero looked at me and shouted,"(Y/n)! Watch out! Behind you!"
I turned and an endermen was about to attack me when Hero stabbed the creature. It fell.
I was growing exhausted and Queen Ender starred at me. "Weakling human!"
I growled at her. "There is nothing wrong being human!"
I charged at her swinging my sword. It stabbed her sides and she screamed. She grabbed her sword and hit me. The next hit she made, I blocked and kicked her down. She snarled and kicked my sword out of hand and threw me down. I was done for.
Hero called Solar over and he went. I watched as Hero had help of the dragon to fight off endermen that was out numbering him.
I turned around and looked at Ender. She grinned and said,"You are pathetic. What should I do with you? Kill you or torture you?"
She held me by the neck. She made me observe the damage her endermen were doing. Our troops were falling.
"Hehehe, your men are weak. They cannot withstand my endermen! So now I'll kill you!" She pulled her sword towards me.
Before she could stab me, I grabbed my sword from a farther place and stabbed her. She howled in pain then kicked me in the leg. I growled then punched her in the stomach. She barfed purple blood.
Later, she sliced my stomach and hips. I growled and felt something. Her and I stopped fighting. We turned to see Solar struggling. He had a purple mist swirling around him. As it did, he grew bigger. He grew so large that he was the size of an average dragon. He let out a roar and flew towards us. He saw me and landed next to me. In my mind, I felt him.
'(Y/n)! We must fight! I'll help you. Now I'm a full grown dragon!'
He roared loudly.
'Where's Hero?' I asked.
'He's hurt! The medics took him inside. He's fine now!' He said.
I broke our contact.
Queen Ender was mad. She saw that Solar was fully grown and that he was loyal to me. She yelled at me. "You think that you can just take my dragon?! Well I'll show you!"
She ran at me when Solar grabbed her and threw her down. He sacked her with his tail and she was weakened. She stood up when Solar blew a breath of end fire. She screamed in pain. I saw her disappearing. I thought for a moment and threw my swords in there and there was an explosion.
I was sent flying and hit the wall. Solar landed next to me.
As the shock wave went through, I saw the endermen blowing up spreading purple blood everywhere. It was gross but I know we have won the battle.
I stood up slowly. I was upset to see that our kingdom has fallen though. I heard someone walk up behind me. I turned and saw Herobrine. He hugged me and saw I was upset.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"The kingdom is destroyed." I squeezed him.
"Its okay. Not every battle will all things be successful. At least we destroyed Queen Ender and her men. We still have Solar. All that matters is us being together. We have ridded a great evil. We won. We will rebuild the kingdom. Thanks to you we are in harmony."
I felt tears rise up in my eyes. It felt good to have win a battle. The land was now at peace and harmony.

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