Chapter 4

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I woke up when the youngster was squealing. It was five o' clock in the morning. I was annoyed.
I moaned as I slowly got up to attend to the dragon. He looked at me and squeaked. I picked him up and walked down into the kitchen. The chef looks at me and asked,"Why up so early?"
"The dragon," I said, wearily. "Please hand me some beef."
"Here you go, your highness," he said.
I took the beef and he ate the thing. I looked at the dragon in his eye. "Now will you go back to sleep?" I asked it.
He nodded.
When I got back to the room, I placed him down in his bed. He yawned and went back to sleep. I went back to sleep.
About a few hours later, Herobrine woke me up. He was holding the baby dragon. "So what do you want to call him?"
"Solar," I said.
Hero agreed and the dragon responded to his new name. He handed Solar to me and I pet the creature. "Hero," I said. "What are we going to do today?"
"I have a meeting to attend to," he said. "We are talking about better forces and plans for battle."
"But we haven't even declared war on anybody yet," I said.
"I know,(y/n)," he said. "But its better safe then sorry."
"Understood," I said.
He walked out of the room and left me alone. I placed the dragon down and he curled up in his bed. I went into the library.
Solar's pov-
When she was gone, I quickly moved out of the room. I crawled amongst the walls and found where they were holding the meeting. I listened as they talked their battle plans and secrets. This was to be interesting.
"And we need to send troops to the south wall," Herobrine said.
"And we can send some troops to the gates and guard there," the General said.
Herobrine looked at him. "Okay, Sheldon. Good. We can do that. Though, we must be careful."
"Alright. What about the ender portal?" Sheldon asked.
"Guards are already stationed there," Herobrine said. "But we will keep that secure to keep the ender queen from coming out."
"Okay." Sheldon turned to the Captain. "Anything else?"
"No," he said.
They all were dismissed and I quickly scampered back into the room and contacted Queen Ender.
'Miss,' I said through my mind,'I gathered some information. Here.'
'Good job,' she said in my mind. 'Now we will be ready. Stay there and I'll meet you there with my troops when the time com's. Try to gather up more information.'
I broke the contact and went to sleep.

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