Chapter 6

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(Y/n) pov-
This day was moving slow. I forgot what time it was and everything. Errr! It was annoying! I hated it when that happened. All I remember was waking up from my nap and coming out to the throne room. And if you're wondering, it was still morning.
I tapped on my armrest impatiently. I wanted something fun! Something interesting! Something that'll keep my mind off of the boredom.
Then Herobrine stood up and looked at me."Wanna walk or somethin'?"
"Sure," I answered.
He took my hand and we walked down into the court yard. I always loved it there. It felt special.
"Hero, thankyou for being my husband," I said.
"Thankyou for being my wife," he answered.
He held my hands when we heard a squeal. Solar was sitting on the window will. I shook my head and he leaped. He tried flapping his wings and he failed by falling straight down.
I yanked my hands out of Hero's and ran for him. Henwas about to touch the ground when I caught him before touching the ground. I hugged him and spoke to him.
"Don't scare me like that ever again. You almost got hurt and I don't want that to happen," I said.
Solar's pov-
I felt bad for scaring the poor girl. I knew she cared for me and she didnt want me to be hurt. I sat there quietly. If I did this, Queen Ender wouldn't help me. She wouldve yelled and abused me like she always did. I still never wanted to go back. I loved the girl who took care of me. I felt safe here. I knew I had to get more information for my master. She would be pissed if I didn't.
I contacted her. 'Masteress, I have a bit more information. The full moon is in two more nights. I know you'll come by then.'
'Alright, stupid dragon. I will come then.' She said. 'And if I see you try to fly, I'll kill you!'
I felt guilt. 'I-i already tried.'
She growled then spoke to me in an angry tone. 'You idiot! I told you! You can't fly for crap! You are a stupid idiotic dragon who has the brain of a mouse! No wonder you are useless! You are a fool who doesn't know anything!'
I felt upset. I was scared and I almost whined. 'Yes master.'
I broke the contact. I looked up at the girl and curled up in her arms. She was more like a mother to me. I loved her.
(Y/n) pov-
I hugged Solar and walked him into the room. I placed him in his bed with a fresh piece of beef. He ate it and whined when I left. I walked back to him and I let him sit on my shoulders. It felt like he was my dragon. So I said,"Solar, do you want to be my dragon?"
He nodded. I pet him an said,"Okay you'll be my dragon."
He hummed a little and later his head on my shoulder.

It was about five when I sat down at the table with Solar perched on my shoulder. Hero didn't care. He seemed to enjoy seeing a dragon on my shoulders. He smiled at me.
"You must love your dragon," he said.
"Yep," I answered."He won't even leave my side so he has to sleep with us."
"Alright," Hero said, looking at me.
We ate for a little while then went and relaxed in our bedroom. Solar curled up next to me. He hummed a little and fell asleep. "Such a cute dragon."
"He loves you," Hero said."He's your dragon."
"I know," I said. "And I still love you."
We kissed before turning out the light.
Queen Enders pov-
Two days had passed since I spoke with that idiotic dragon. He was stupid but I still needed him. I was laughing when I noticed the Tim was tonight. I was going to leave. I will take over Minecraftia!
I called for and endermen. He teleported in front of me and looked at me.
"Now what I want you to do," I said,"is to go out of the portal and distract the two guards. Drive them away from the portal so that I can leave. You understand?"
He nodded and teleported off.
After a little while the endermen contacted me, saying the coast was clear. I stood up with my troops and went through the portal. I felt the tension on me as I entered the over world.
When I made it to the over world, I laughed evily. I knew I made it and my plans were to work. I was in King Herobrine's castle that is in Minecraftia! Hahahaha!

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