Chapter 4

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Next day everyone gathered for the puja. As Sunaina and Janak raj have no male child , sita being the elder one did the puja along with her husband Ram. After the puja is done they donated food to animals. They came home and gathered in the living room.

Dasarath : it still feels like i lost him yesterday.

Sunaina : that is because he is still alive in our hearts.

Bharath : how did Janak raj papa die ?

Sunaina and Kausalya looked at Bharath with tensed faces. Dasarath is unable to answer.

Sunaina : accident.

Bharath : i know that ! But how ?

Sunaina : a truck hit his car.

Ram knows how exactly his dear uncle died as he died by saving him. Tears formed in his eyes. He never shared that horrible experience with Sita upon dasarath's order. That day is a nightmare for him. He tried to avoid remembering it again.

Dasarath : please ! Stop that discussion.

Mandavi : Sunaina maa ! 

Sunaina : Mandavi ! How are you child ? 

Mandavi : I'm fine maa ! How are you ? And when did everyone come ? Namsthey !

Sunaina : even i am doing good. They came yesterday.

Sita : it's been a long time since you came here . Are you that busy ?

Mandavi : yeah didi ! Now i am done with my education. So, i am a free bird.

Sunaina : don't forget that your mother is searching for a suitable groom for you !

Mandavi : yeah ! I know . She will never let me live peacefully. I am just 24. Why they are expecting me to get married ?

Bharath kept on listening to her words. He found her speaking style and body language much like him. 

Kausalya : what's that on your hair ?

Mandavi : where aunty ?

Kausalaya : here ! 

Kausalya held few strands of mandavi's hair which are dyed with burgundy colour.

Manadavi : it's dye aunty. Isn't that nice ?

Kausalya : what ? Girls these day's. 

Mandavi  : girls these days are different from yours.

Mandavi told and winked at her. Kausalya slapped mandvai's head.

Kausalya : monkey girl ! 

Mandavi chuckled. 

In the same way for the next 3 days they had a great family time. Then they returned to their village. 

Ram : Sita ! I have some work in the city. I'll be returning tomorrow. 

Sita : ok ! Where are  you going to stay ?

Ram : at our flat of course. With the our good old memories. 

Sita blushed and shook her head. When they were studying they used to live there and after they got married they lived there for an year and then returned to the village.

Sita : I need some equipment in the hospital. I already placed the order. Get them when you return !

Ram : ok ! 

Sita started walking outside but stopped as she heard Ram calling her.

Ram : sita ! I have to tell you something . 

Sita : what's that Ram ?

Kausalya : Sita ! Where are you ? 

Sita : I'm coming maa ! 

Sita kept the file's she is holding on the table and went to the backyard.

Ram : why this girl listen's to everyone patiently but not me ?

Urmila : because you are her boy and she takes your for granted.

Ram : this isn't a joke Urmila.

Urmila : i know everything bava !

Ram : what ?

Urmila : yes ! I know how papa died ! You are planning to tell her about this right ?

He saw tears in urmila's eyes.

Ram : how do you know that ?

Urmila showed an old diary to him. She was shocked as it is his diary. He used to write it when he was a young boy.

Ram : where did you find it ?

Urmila : in the attic . Actually i never thought of invading someone's privacy but unexpectedly I found it and no name is written. I saw lakshman's photo in it and I thought it belongs to him. I started reading it to know about him and his musings more. But then i realised that it belongs to you.  Why you never shared your pain with any  of us ?

Ram hugged urmila. 

Urmila : you should have told akka about that bava !

Ram : you will understand everything soon urmila.

Ram took the diary from her hands. 

Ram : never tell about that to anyone. That is the reason why i agreed to go to the forest on that day because i know how to escape. 

Urmila : what ??

Urmila shouted.

Ram : girl ! Don't shout ! If my stupid siblings listen to us they will go there .

Urmila : i know. I didn't tell lucky about that. When it come's to bharath no sane person will tell him.

Ram : i know my sister is a good girl. 

Urmila : aww ! She won't be a good girl if you won't buy me chocolates. 

Ram : i will bring 100's of chocolates for you . Ok ? 


How's the chapter ?

What's your opinion on mandavi ?

What do you feel about the bond between Ram and Urmila ?

What's that secret ?

Stay tuned !

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