Chapter 13

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Lakshman : bhaiyya ! 

Ram : hush !

Sita : i have a plan.

Ram : what is that ? 

Sita :look there ! 

Sita pointed towards a huge banyan tree. 

Ram : we can do something with that ! 

Sita : yes ! One of us should distract it by going there and other's will make trap. The one who distracted it will escape with the help of those banyan roots. Other two will run.

Lakshman : ok bhabhi.

Lakshman decided to distract the wolf whereas ram and sitha decided to make the trap. Ram and sitha slowly walked towards the dried banyan roots and vines. Ram started making a trap with that. Sitha is joining those roots together. Lakshman is sitting on the tree.
The wolf is sniffing something.

Lakshman : bhaiyya !

Ram : done.

Lakshman throwed a twig in it's direction. It turned back and looked at him.

Sita and Ram moved towards the cave. They are holding the rope they made for trapping it. Lakshman hurriedly moved towards the other tree but he is about fell down. Sitha and Ram screamed. A man held him. He is extremely muscular and strong. He dropped lakshman down. And moved towards the wolf. He started fighting with the wolf with his bare hands. He knocked the wolf and it is dead.

Ram and sitha are hugging lakshman. The man walked towards them.

Ram : thank you very much. I'llbe forever indebted to you. How can i help you ? How can i show my gratitude ?

Bhajarang : Sir ! I will be more than happy if i get a chance to be your servant. Being the servant of a noble person like you is a great recognition.

Ram hugged him. Bhajarang hugged him back with tearful eyes. He looked at sitha devi. The woman whom he respects the most.

Bhajrang : namasthey ji !

Sitha : namasthey ! You are looking familiar !

Bhajrang :  i am your patient.

Sitha : achha. Ok.

Bhajrang : i know all routes in this forest. Tell me how can i help you ?

Ram explained everything to bhajrang briefly.

Bhajrang : this route is not safe sir. Many magical traps are arrangedby a witch. I'll take you from another route.

Ram : ok.

Everyone followed bhajrang. They stopped as they saw a huge tree trunk across the path. Bhajrang lifted it and throwed it away by chanting jai shri ram. Everyone gasped by looking at him.
Soon they reached the place.

Bhajrang : this is the place. I'll get the potion and dagger sir. You people stay here. Please !

Ram : it may be dangerous. I won't let you go alone.

Bhajrang : it's fine sir. I'll be alright. My shri ram will always protect me.

Everyone smiled.

Bhajrang went into the cave. Everything is dark. He came out.

Ram : what happened ?

Bhajrang : everything is dark. I am making a torch.

Sitha gave her mobile to him. He loiked at it as if he is examining it and took it. Then he went inside again.


Lakshman : he seems to be different. Extremely powerful but also innocent and soft hearted. Why he is being that concerned about strangers ?

Ram : may be we aren't strange for him.

Sitha smiled.


How's the chapter ?

Bhajrang is here. 🙏

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