Chapter 9

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Sita , Ram and lakshman went to the village mentioned by dasarath. They stopped at the temple near to the lake. 

Sita : Let's try asking people who are little older and sensible.

Ram : may be that priest !

Ram pointed towards the priest who is reading some book by sitting near the lake.

Lakshman : i think it's a good idea.

They went towards the priest and Ram slowly tried to gain his attention.

Ram : Namasthey ji !

Priest looked at Ram without blinking his eyes.

Priest  : namasthey !

Ram : My name is Ram. I came from ayodhyapuram. She is my wife Sita and he is my brother lakshman. We need some help !

Priest : tell son ! 

Ram : actually we need some information regarding a woman named chandrika from this village.

Priest looked at Ram with wide eyes. The people who are sitting a little away also looked at ram weirdly.

Priest : are you asking about Manjunath's wife chandrika ?

Ram : yes guruji ! 

Priest stood up from his place.

Priest : how dare you to speak about a witch in the temple ?

Ram : i spoke about her here because the positive energy from the temple neutralise's her negativity.

Priest : come with me ! 

They silently followed the priest who lead them to his house. The priest wife looked at him with confusion as she never saw them. But she politely smiled and brought water for them.

Priest : you are the prince of ayodhyapuram right ?

Ram : yes guruji ! 

Priest : your highness ! Her name is banned in our village. May be she is your aunt but she is a nightmare for people of our village. We lost many people because of her including my parents.

The priest pointed towards his parents photo which is hanging on the wall.

Ram : actually we don't share any bond.

Priest : i know prince ! Indeed i am the one who did your naming ceremony. And i am the one who helped king to capture that witch.

Ram : what ? 

Priest : don't take me in a wrong way but even the king is at fault.

Ram : what ?

Priest : yes ! 

Ram : but how guruji ?

Priest : to know about that you should the whole story clearly. Little chunks won't help you. It's 2023. So, the hurdle must have arrived right ?

Ram : hurdle ?

Priest : a woman from the family will get possessed by her ! Did that happen ?

Ram : yes ! My niece got possessed.

Priest : what's the age of princess ?

Ram : 19.

Priest closed his eyes and started recollecting a chant. He started getting visuals of nila and her behaviour. He opened his eyes suddenly. 

Priest : princess isn't really possessed. That witch's soul is trying  to enter her body but something is stopping her. So, the princess is safe.

They sighed with relief.

 Priest : but not the people around her.

Ram : whom do you think she is going to target other than papa , me and wife ?

Priest : we can't predict ! But your wife is the only one who can stop her evil acts.

Sita : how come i could do that ?

Priest : because you are the one who is born with the suitable horoscope. That is the reason why your father took a promise from dasarath that you must be his daughter-in-law. So, that you can save the family.

Lakshman : how come you know everything guruji ? 

Priest : because that is my role for this life. The reason why you people choosed me to ask about her and me being the suitable person and everything is as per god's plan.

Sita : please tell us the whole story guruji !

Priest : this story starts back then in the 17the century. Most part of our territory was under your ancestors rule. Your kingdom is named as one of the most powerful kingdom in the world. The greatest warrior's feared when they heard the name of Raja Mahendra Deva and Rani Muktambika Devi.

Sita felt those names very familiar. She recalled her dreams. She heard those names unclearly in her dreams.


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