Chapter 12

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Sita : i saw her on the same day when papa died. She asked me to give some water.

Mandavi : yes ! 

Sita : yes ! I don't even know whom she is but i gave water and she caressed my head roughly on that day. So, I remembered her.

Ram : why you didn't tell me about that ?

Sita : see who is asking ! 

Ram shook his head.

Ram : We must hurry up.

Lakshman : yes ! 

Mandavi : why suddenly you got more serious ?

Ram : because her target isn't just papa but also Sita.

Mandavi : why she would target sita ? 

Ram : if she interacted with sita there must be a reason behind that.

Mandavi : yes jiju !

Ram : me , sita and Lakshman will be going to the forest. We will find the potion and dagger. You guys stay at home and don't open the door till morning. Not even if you guys see us.

Bharath : why ?

Ram : because she may even create our illusions.

Bharath : ok bhaiyaa.

Ram : take care !

Sita , Ram and Lakshman went to the forest. They already alerted dasarath. 

Sita : wait ! 

Sita ran into the store room and opened the box she was holding back then when the photo was found. She placed the box on a table and went towards them to see the photo.

Sita opened the box and she saw a map.

Lakshman : superb Bhabhi !

Sita : the priest is performing puja at the temple for us. Because of that her powers will get weak. 

The trio started their journey to the forest . Sita and Ram are studying the map. Lakshman is driving the car. The forest guards stopped the vehicle. When they saw the people who are sitting inside they opened the gate. They looked at them strangely. As they are driving in to the forest Ram clutched sita's hand tightly. She placed her hand on his hand and pressed slightly to assure him .

Sita : go straight lakshman !

Lakshman : ok bhabi ! 

Sita : we have travel 4 km to reach that place. It is located at the foot of the first hill.

Ram : it will be really steep. We can't go there easily. 

Sita : there is an alternate entrance. For that we have come from the rare side.

Lakshman : i think  that's better bhabi.

Sita : ok ! Now take right turn.

Lakshman : ok ! 

They suddenly heard the sound of a wolf. It's sound is slightly different.

Ram : it's her wolf.

Sita : do you think she is here ?

Ram : may be ! 

Sita : if she is here our nila will be safe right ?

Ram : yeah ! 

Sita : Lakshman drive fast !

Lakshman : ok bhabi ! 

Suddenly Lakshman saw a person laying  on the road and Lakshman stopped the car.

Ram : what happened ?

Lakshman : bhaiyya ! There's someone.

Ram and Sita looked at the place where Lakshman is pointing.

Lakshman : we should help him.

Sita :  no ! He is not a human. Look at him.

He don't have legs and black smoke is getting emitted from his body, suddenly he turned towards them and he jumped on  the car.

Lakshman : bhaiyya ! I'm scared.

Sita : don't get out of the car. He can't do anything. It's bulletproof glass.

Ram : ok ! 

Then he suddenly started banging the glass hard and he broke it.

Ram looked at sita.

Sita : get out of the car !

Sita and Ram jumped towards the right and Lakshman towards the left. He fell into the car. Ram buckled the seat belt to him with sita's help and Lakshman placed the water bottle on the accelerator and raced the car. The car started moving with him in the car. 

Sita, Ram and Lakshman sighed with relief.

Sita : thank god !

Ram : look there !

They saw a wolf with purple eyes. It is larger than a typical one. It made the sound again.


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