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The reason why the dancer turned into a witch is to avenge the death of her family, her family used to counter the black magic with their powers but everyone mistook them as people who are performing black magic and killed them. The king is the one who sent his soldiers to kill them. They managed to save her and then she joined the group of dancers. The events turned her into someone who is monstrous.

5 years later ,

Ram : Sitha ! Where are you ?

Sitha : I'm coming . 

Ram : please come fast. 

Sitha came to their room and saw the mess. 

Sitha : Luv ! Kush ! 

Ram was sitting on the bed and both the boys are sitting on Ram and fighting over something. As they saw their mother they stopped fighting and sat silently. 

Sitha : what's this ?

Luv : kush did that.

Kush : no maa ! It's luv. 

Sitha : Ram ! What are you doing then ? Can't you stop them ?

Ram : I am clueless about what to do as I don't want to hurt both of them.

Sitha : so , you are letting them to fight ?

Ram : that's not the exact thing sitha.

Sitha : kids ! Did you see your father and uncle's fighting anytime ? 

Kush , Luv : no ! 

Sitha : then where did you learn this ?

Kush , luv : we won't fight again. 

Luv : kush took my chocolate. So, i beat him. That is how the fight started .

Sitha : say sorry to each other. Why you took luv's chocolate ?

Kush : he is eating lot of chocolates so i took it to save his teeth from cavities.

Sitha : oh ! Then what about this ?

Sitha showed chocolate wrappers which are tucked beside kush's bed. Kush bent his head low.

Mandavi : what's going on ? Some one is extremely angry today.

Sitha : you are the one to be blamed. I told you not to teach them boxing.

Mandavi : what's wrong in that ?

Sitha : they are fighting and their father is staring at them.

Ram :  what ? I called you right ?

Kausalya : Sitha ! 

Sitha : maa ! I'm coming.

Sitha : i'll deal with you guys afterwards.

As soon as Sitha left Kush and Luv burst out laughing. 

Ram : why are you laughing ?

Kush : maa is so funny ! 

Luv : Her nose is red like a tomato.

Mandavi and Ram also started laughing.

Mandavi : come here ! I'll help you to clean yourselves. 

The boys went with mandavi. Ram came out and saw Sitha who is going to the terrace. He followed her.

Sitha turned around and saw Ram.

Sitha : what are you doing here ?

Ram : following my love.

Sitha : creep.

Ram : what ?

Sitha : yeah ! Following someone is creepy.

Ram : that someone is none other than my wife.

Ram moved towards Sitha and soon he trapped her between the wall and him.

Sitha looked at Ram. He is looking into her eyes. Sitha placed her lips on his. They kissed each-other like there is no tomorrow.

Kush : maa !

They broke the kiss as they heard kush's voice.

Sitha : what do you want now ?

Kush : This is for you !

Sitha took the card from kush and opened it. 

Kush : Happy mother's day maa ! 

Sitha took him in her arms and kissed his cheek.

Sitha : thank you kush. I love you.

Luv : maa ! Happy mother's day ! 

Luv hugged Sitha. Ram took him in his arms and brought him near to sitha. She even kissed his cheek. Both boys kissed their mother's cheeks.

Ram : won't i get a kiss ?

Kush , Luv : today it's mother's day. So, only maa gets kisses.

Ram pouted but hugged his son's and wives. The family moment is captured by Bharath.

Bharath : they are so cute !

Mandavi : yeah ! 

They heard a baby's crying sound.

Bharath : our cute monster is awake ! 

Lakshman came there with bharath and mandavi's baby. Mandavi took the baby from lakshman and calmed him.


Urmila is helping Kausalya in the kitchen. 

Kausalya : urmila ! Bring that big pan from the store room.

Urmila : ok maa !

Urmila went to the store room and searched for the pan. She found a box. As she opened the box  she screamed and throwed it away. She heard a little girl's laughter. She turned around and saw her daughter chaitra.

Urmila  : you ! I'm not going to spare you.

Chaitra ran all over the house and urmila followed is chasing her. The whole family is laughing by looking at them.

As chaitra went towards the door bhajarang who just came there lifted her in his arms.

Chaitra : hi uncle ! 

Bhajarang : hi princess.





Ended on 19th may 2023

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