chapter two- The training grounds

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Italics- Elvish


I gently opened my eyes as mine and Lydia's room slowly became brighter. I got up from my bed looking at my friend, who was still sleeping.

Everything that has happened the past few days was exhausting so I won't wake her up yet.

I walked further into the room, towards the window and looked outside. Everything still feels unreal. To suddenly wake up in a world that you've only read about is a shocking experience. I looked outside at the stone and wooden platforms that were all around the area. They were lighted by little lanterns that were hanging from wooden columns. I also noticed several waterfalls at the lower ground. I will definitely have to explore more.

"Good morning!" Lydia said finally feeling more energized after hours of sleep. "Good morning!" I walked back inside and sat on her bed. "Feeling better?" I asked her, considering everything we've been through. "Yes, so much better. These beds are surprisingly comfortable. Did you sleep well?" She yawned while saying the last part.

"Yes I did. I was looking outside the window, trying to take it all in. It still feels..."

"Weird? Yeah, I know. I still feel like that too. But we have to get used to it. There's no turning back now."

"Yeah, there certainly isn't."

We were interrupted by knock on our door. Lydia went to open it, revealing a male elf with dark black hair, similar to mine. "King Thranduil has requested your presence in the throne room, regarding his final decision about your stay." The elf stated "I was ordered to take you there." We both nodded and followed him outside.

The walk towards the throne wasn't the most pleasant time. As we were following the elf, who I found later was named Heriion, we still received some weird stares from nearby elves. I guess it's going to take a while for them to get used to us being here. If Thranduil let us.

Shit, I haven't really thought of the possibility that Thranduil doesn't let us stay. What are we going to do then? Is he going to keep us locked in cells? Or, if he doesn't, where are going to find shelter? Food and water? We would be all alone in an unknown world without help.

These thoughts struck me like thunder, as I started panicking and felt my heartbeat quicken. I didn't notice I was bitting on my lip, until I felt the taste of blood in my mouth. I reached out for Lydia's hand and held it. I was scared. I didn't want us to end up getting killed my goblins or worse orcs in the wild.

Lydia sensed my panic and gave me a reassuring smile, which I returned.

All these feelings had to be pushed aside, because we were now in the throne room."Ah, thank you Heriion. You may go." Heriion bowed at Thranduil and then left us alone. We also bowed, as that is something anyone should do in the presence of a king.

"How was your served meal ?" Thranduil asked, looking up at us instead of the book he was holding. "It was very pleasant my lord." Lydia answered and I nodded in agreement. "I'm glad it was to your liking." He closed his book and stood up from his throne, slowly making his way down. "I thought about your situation and my final decision is that I will allow you to stay in this Kingdom. I decided to act merciful since you're elves. But..." He paused."Do not take my mercy for granted. If you were any other race, you would be locked in cells by now. Understood?" We nodded." Good. Now, in order for you to a part of this Kingdom, you will need to work. Do you have anything in mind?"

We haven't really thought about that, but I think we both know what we want to do. "We want to join the elven guard my lord." I answered feeling sure about my decision. "Very well then." He seemed a little taken aback by my answer." Tauriel will train you since she's captain of the guard. You can find her in the training grounds. One of the guards can take you there. You may go now." We bowed again and thanked Thranduil. After that we followed an elf guard to the training grounds.

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