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It didn't take long for the bath water to fall cold despite how heated the house was, so Taeyong left the water and drained the tub.

He tip toed carefully into the extravagant room outside the bathroom and rushed quickly around the bed, straight into the walk in wardrobe where his suitcase stood empty.

"When did he have time to hang up all my clothes?" The older awed when he noticed everything was either hung up or folded neatly away.

He pulled out some black jeans and a shirt - as he didn't want to seem underdressed for dinner in this house - and ruffled his hair till it was damp.

A simple comb through the hair to slick it back and he was ready for dinner, once he slipped on some white slippers.

It took him a second to remember where he came from, retracing his footsteps eventually back to the main door.

"Did you have a good bath?" A deep voice asked behind him, startling him a little.

As Taeyong spun around, his eyes feasted upon a casually dressed Jaehyun, still formally dressed in a long sleeved shirt and pressed trousers, but his hair was slightly ruffled.

"Did you get lost?" He asked with a small dimpled smile.

Again Taeyong was speechless and lost for words until the silence lingered for too long and the small smile was noticeably fading.

"Uh yes - both to the bath and being lost. Where's the dining room?"

Jaehyun extended his arm out slowly and guided the older to a room that could feed a family of twenty.

Was this even necessary for a family of three? No. But was it impressive and he was slightly envious? Hell yes.

Jaehyun pulled a chair out across from Jaemin and helped Taeyong seat before taking a seat at the end of the table between them.

Jaemin narrowed his eyes, "That's where mom sits. He can't sit there."

"He has a name, it's Taeyong or Mr Lee, a guest in this house that you will respect. And I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind him sitting there now that she can't." He spoke softly but firmly.

"You can say dead Dad." Jaemin snapped.

Jaehyun's pressed his hand against the table and held his sharp eyes on the small blonde, "And you can mind your tone. If you're so unhappy you can excuse yourself to bed."

"I can sit somewhere else-" Taeyong wasn't even finished with those words by the time Jaehyun turned his head and gave him a look. The look could only be described as narrowed eyes telling him to be silent. It was a cold look that sent shivers down the older's spine.

Taeyong froze, uncomfortably sat at the table during the argument. But that's what Jaemin did. He huffed, threw his silk napkin down and stormed out of the room.

The brown haired boy eventually finished his meal and was guided by Jungwoo upstairs for bed, leaving the two adults alone.

Jaehyun noticed the older prodding the food on his plate for a while, so he ran a hand through his red hair and sighed.

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