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Jaehyun sat in the drivers seat of their family car, leaving his car outside the market for his bodyguard Mark to pick up later.

The boys sat in the back anxiously, glancing between their furious father and Taeyong, who leant against the window completely out of it. His breathing was funny, his skin was scarily pale, he couldn't form long sentences and kept being in excruciating pain.

The young CEO hated to see him be like this.

When they got home, Jungwoo was already stood outside by the door ready to take the two boys while Jaehyun carried Taeyong indoors bridal style.

"Please handle those two while I help Tae." Jaehyun called in an aggravated tone, eyeing Jaemin that sunk behind Jungwoo cowardly. His father was really mad.

Jungwoo placed a hand upon his mouth in shock as he caught a glimpse of the state Taeyong was in. What on earth happened?

He dared not to ask now. Instead he took each boys hands and guided them to the kitchen where their dinner was almost ready.

The young male practically ran upstairs and placed Taeyong on the bed before opening his dressers, remembering Taeyong had medicine for this stuff. As he was searching, the panic was increasing more. Where was that damn bottle?

"I've ran out if that's what you're looking for? I told you I had to use them sparingly because I couldn't afford much." Taeyong sighed, "But, even when I did my valuables were destroyed or stolen when my place was ransacked. They were the first things I tried to pack when you offered me to stay here... I couldn't find them and I know never misplace them." Taeyong explained.

Jaehyun bit the inside of his cheek, frustrated by the whole ideal, but a lot of that stemmed from fear which made him feel uneasy, which he didn't like the feeling of so it grew his frustration.

"I knew Jaemin would pull a stunt like this!" Jaehyun growled. Taeyong tried to sit up, but he only flinched when Jaehyun snapped his attention onto him.

"Please don't be mad at Jaemin. He's only a kid, he doesn't know any better-"

"That's no excuse!" Jaehyun yelled, "He's 7 years old, nearly 8. He is more than capable to understand the consequences of running away in a public place!" Jaehyun's anger was unrivalled and terrifying. His voice was so powerful but his face was beyond what Taeyong imagined. He doesn't know if the red hair emphasised the rage more or not.

Nothing could be more unsettling than Jaehyun's eyes that were dark and serious. Almost as if they couldn't be talked out from the stare they held.

Taeyong didn't want the blonde boy to be blamed on his behalf, it was his fault for not paying attention. He should be the one whom Jaehyun was angry. He was the one who let him down.

It was then within the silence did he finally break down in tears, "It's my f-fault, I should have paid close a-attention to him." Jaehyun was bewildered, not expecting any of this at all. He found himself stuck, looking at Tae's sobbing face, unable to gather what to say to sooth him.

His eyes softened once he realised how much Taeyong has tried to sink back from him, how much he was leant over him aggressively.

He slowly stepped back and took a seat beside him, reaching out to hold his hand, "Stop blaming yourself. It was an accident, it happens Tae." He told honestly, "I would have done the same if I was in your shoes. I'm not mad at you, I'm disappointed in Jaemin and we'll discuss this later to him. Please, stop crying. It's not your fault." Jaehyun persisted.

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