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The Cafe indeed was not a popular one. Not that it had bad reputation, poor reviews, unsanitary surfaces or evil cuisines.

It was the location. Located in a tight, single one way street that gets customers stray in every now and then. Mostly those that wonder too far from the city and end up needing refreshments.

Those never come back again.

Regulars are those that live in the neighbourhood and know of the owners kind nature, but only visit when they can afford it - which isn't often.

When Taeyong first scouted a building to turn into his new Cafe, he was on a tight budget from being unemployed and needing to find a new home.

At first the cheap offer was, at that time, a Gods send from the heavens above. But after realising why it was so cheap, he often has second thoughts on his past decisions.

But now he's adamant to change that around and make this Cafe the best Neighbourhood Cafe in the block. He plans to out do all his rivals further in town on the outskirts of the city.

With Doyoung gone and not speaking to him, a few employees quit and Haechan away on holiday, today it is just Taeyong holding down the fort.

Not that it was going to be difficult. Normally it's the days when he's fully staffed it's harder since he has to find things for people to do and earn their pay, so today it's just him.

What could go wrong?


~ [ 4:37 pm ] ~

Many things went wrong in fact.

It started with the electricity bill being overdue, so all the power was cut off from the building - both the Cafe and his home upstairs were affected.

Next was the Landlord paying a visit with more overdue bills and rent, which Taeyong couldn't pay up front and discuss the issues of the business or lack there of.

"Mr Hwang, I don't understand what you're trying to say?" Taeyong uttered in disbelief.

The old man furrowed his grey brows and ran his fingers over his fine beard, "You left me with no choice Taeyong. You can't keep missing your payments I have a family to feed-"

"I also need to eat Sir." Taeyong interrupted, catching his Landlords disproving look and narrowed eyes.

"My mind is made up Mr Lee, I want you out of this building in a weeks time- actually no, make that by the weekend. The sooner the better."

Taeyong chased Mr Hwang outside, who was adamant to leave without the young man getting another word in.

"Please, there must be another way. How can I possibly be all moved out by the weekend, it's Tuesday?"

The old man opened his umbrella and turned towards Taeyong, "Well you better figure it out quickly."

He entered his car silently and left Taeyong standing under the open skies of pouring rain.

The older lingered on the sidewalk for a moment, stunned and comprehending that last few minutes into his brain.

Did that just happen? Is this real?

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