Chapter 1

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It is the afternoon, and you would expect most pubs and bars to have fewer people, but that wasn't the case in one pub named Joe's. It was full of people and focused on one man's story. "So, I said back to his mom, was so fat that when they go camping, the bears hide their food!"(I couldn't think of a joke) Everyone erupted into laughter, and the pub was filled with laughing men and some women too. Eventually, the sun went down, and everyone had focused on the same man again. The man in question was even more drunk and seemed to be dialing a phone number. He puts it on speaker for everyone to hear, and some people far away come closer to listen to the phone call. "Hello, Freddy Fazbears Pizza speaking, how may I help you?" The drunk man replies "Ugh, I was hoping to apply for the night.. gourd.... guard! position." Some people start snickering quietly "Of course sir, you are hired. Come to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza place at 11 o'clock sharp." "Wait, wait, do you know where I am?" "No? Where are you?" "I am at Joe's." "Who is Joe.... wai-" "JOE MAMA." the drunkard ends the call, and everyone starts laughing at how the other man fell for the oldest trick in the book. "And this! This is how you trick someone!" says the drunk man to everyone before going back to talking about whatever made up story he had.

Eventually, the sun had gone down, and it was 10:30. The drunk guy was walking down with a half drank whiskey in hand to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza for god knows why. Once he arrived, he was greeted by a man in a suit, looking somewhat disappointed. "Are you the person who called me and did the Joe Mama joke on me?" "Ughh, maybe." "Well.... I loved it! It has been ages since anyone had the balls to make jokes about me, it was quite refreshing. Now let me give you a tour of this place, follow me would ya?" "Huh, I didn't expect this from a fancy-suited man like yourself, Imma be honest here the only reason I came here is to look at your reaction, and it has certainly surprised me." says the drunk starting to follow the manager.

"Haha, I like you already. Anyway, now that you're the nightguard, I expect you not to drink at work *pointing at the whiskey* you can drink that later, though, and before you ask, yes, you can smoke, but only in the smoking rooms, got it?" "Yeah, sure, so like, is there any uniform or any sorta thing like that?" "Yes, and I am leading you to the employee changing room where your uniform will be. You can change after the tour if you feel like it." "Nah, I feel like changing now. You know better to do it now than sulk later, am I right? "Sure, I can wait."

After changing, they toured the pizza place, getting to know each room and where they were. Once finished, it was time to meet the girls! "And now, the great mascots of this fine establishment! the girls! The bear is Freddy, the rabbit is Bonnie, and the chicken is Chica, Foxy, and Mangle are at their cove that we just passed by and yeah, that's about it." "Wow, some mighty fine animatronics you got here, I'll tell you that, but is it fine to have them as mascots, I mean they are quite NSFW y'know." "Oh, we know that, which is one of the main reasons why we still keep them, for money! You see we have this policy where you have to buy something once inside the pizza place to stay here or else you get kicked out." "Cheeky way to make money, but let's say hypothetically, the animatronics have their own sentient mind like an AI, and they hate the number of perverts and just general freaks staring at them and they decide to turn on you guys or even me, what would we do?" "I-I never thought of that, it's probably your mind going nuts because of all the alcohol." "Yeah, you're right, there is no way they are alive, heh alcohol." 'Phew, almost got caught. This guy's good at guessing.'

"Anyway, I'll take my leave since we're done introducing you to the place. Good luck with your guarding duty Mr... eh what is your name again? I never got it, hehe...." "My name is Joel Jonathan, but you can call Joel, and to add I'm 35 years old. What about you? I never got it either." "Oh, I am sorry for not telling you, my name is Alan Afton." "A-Afton?" Joel's irises become small, as if he remembers something. "Yup...ugh, you good?" Joel pauses briefly before regaining consciousness "Y-Yeah, I just remembered something... Anyway, time is getting late, and I should start my job you should hurry back home your wife is waiting for you, yes?" "Yeah, welp, I am trusting you with the place, and no drinking, because I can see the thirst for alcohol through your eyes." "Alright, alright, you caught me red handed. I'll meet you tomorrow morning." "Good luck, Joel. You'll need it." Alan goes out of the pizza place. Once Alan was out, Joel's face immediately shifted.

"Oh my god, I cannot hold it in anymore." Joel runs to the bathroom and starts puking everything he ate into the toilet. However, he failed to notice that the animatronics started moving once he ran into the bathroom. "Why did Alan hire a hobo?" Chica asks her siblings, "I don't know, and I don't care, whatever his intentions are, it can't be good, did you hear what he said? "Mighty fine looking" It proves that he is a pervert!" Freddy clarifies, "Yeah, I am with Freddy on this one, besides every inch of him smells like alcohol." says Bonnie pinching her nose.

"Ugh, smoking will do the trick." Joel moves to his locker, getting his brown leather trench coat that is surprisingly clean. "You know what, I'm just gonna wear this since I don't wanna move to the locker every time I want something." Joel puts his trench coat on and looks at himself in the mirror. "Heh, I look like an SS officer... fuck, I need to smoke *checks time* hmmm, 11:45 is not enough time. I'll smoke in the smoking room before my shift starts and keep on smoking after my shift starts in the office." He goes to the smoking room to smoke his prized cigars. In the smoking room, he gets a small book from the pocket of his trench coat and starts reading it while smoking his cigar.

"Tonight is gonna be a fine night." Joel thinks in his head, already intoxicated with nicotine.

How wrong he was.


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