Cragster hunt

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It's been six hours since the rather "interesting" breakfast the group had that morning and they were playing a game of Goldfish because the Infernites couldn't go anywhere and Liam didn't have anything to do since school was shut down because of the spiral.

But while everyone was trying to focus on the cards, Liam was still thinking about everything and the nixel situation wasn't helping. Maybe he could use Google to see if anyone had seen the nixels because at least one person had to have seen the little cretins.

Before Liam could think another thought, a red pincher waved in front of his face.

"Hey, hey Liam! Hello, anyone there?" Zorch waved his arm in front of Liam to snap him out of his weird trance which luckily worked.

"Oh yeah- um, do you have any eights?"

"Dude, are you okay?" Flain asked worriedly.

"I'm fine! Just thinking about where the rest of you guys are!"

Flain was about to ask why Liam was worrying so much about helping him and his bros, but a loud rumble rippled through the air.

"Huh, guess I didn't eat enough oatmeal." Zorch quipped but Liam ignored him because he felt this feeling before.

"That isn't your stomach, Zorch."

Before anyone could say anything, Liam zipped over to the household earthquake detector his mom got for Christmas and sure enough, the alarm was going off.

"It's an earthquake!"

Liam scuttled under a table in panic with Vulk and Zorch quickly joining him but Flain ignored the danger because he recognized the beat of the shaking and the pattern of the rubble.

"Wait, I know this type of quake."

Liam looked at Flain as if he was a madman or madmixel in this case.

"You do?!"

"Yeah this isn't a natural earthquake, it's one caused by Seismo!"

"How can a seismograph cause an earthquake?!"

"What's a seismograph? Whatever, what I do know is that we need to get going! We've got friends to find!"

Flain slammed open the closet and put on a yellow raincoat with matching rainboots and a scarf and he rushed out the door.


The rest of the Infernites forgot about their fear and put on their own disguises to follow Flain.

Zorch wore an oversized leather jacket and leather boots with a face mask, Vulk wore a hoodie and slippers, and Liam just wore his clothes.

The three zipped out the door to follow their first friend.

Later Flain finally arrived at Riverside Plaza after a 15 minute run but Zorch managed to catch up with Flain in 15 seconds.

"Dude, what was that? I thought you were supposed to be the brains and leader in this operation. What was the plan?"

But Flain ignored Zorch and looked around, feeling the ground but the earthquake stopped.

"Shnix it, I lost track of him."

"Lost track of who?"


"Oh, okay? Wait. Ooooh wait, I know how you recognize his quake." Zorch's face lit up with smugness.

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