Midnight stroll

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It was midnight, and Liam couldn't sleep. Questions shot through Liam's head like bullets, each one leaving a bigger hole than the last.

"Maybe the spiral was the reason the mixels are here. Maybe the mixels are the reason the spiral shot the comets everywhere."

Liam thought, but Liam tried to come up with an answer, but only questions came up, he gave up when the thoughts started getting repetitive, and the weird guilt from earlier came up again.

"Ugh, I'm going nowhere. I need to go on a walk clear my mind." Liam thought; Liam got up and walked out his bedroom door.

Liam was about to go downstairs, but a crack of moonlight shooting from the guest room's door distracted him. Liam was about to close it until he noticed Vulk looking out the window and at the stars with a melancholy look on his face.

"Wait, what is Vulk doing up so late?" Liam wondered as he walked up behind the mixel.

Liam put his hand on Vulks shoulder, making the mixel jump in surprise.

Vulk shot around and saw that it was just Liam. "Liam, what are you doing up so late? Are humans nocturnal?" Vulk asked, confused by the human.

Liam laughed. "No, humans aren't nocturnal. I was about to go downstairs to get my coat, and I saw you looking out the window. So why are you staying up late?" Vulk sighed. "The rain is over, which means we have to leave. If there's anything we can do for you, can you tell us? It was nice to let us stay." Vulk said.

Liam put his hand up to his chin." Well, I don't want you guys to be tired, so I'll let you guys stay until the sun rises." Liam said. Vulk's eye lit up with joy, and he hugged Liam. "Thank you so much!" Vulk said.

After the hug, Vulk went back to gazing out the window while Liam took off the stairs. "Where are you going, Human?" Asked Zorch, who's been pretending to sleep to solve his insomnia.

"I'm just going on a walk to help ease my mind," Liam replied as Zorch and Vulk followed him. Liam put his shoes and a jacket on.

"Can we come with you? We don't know anything about this place, and we're wondering if you could give us a tour of your world?" Vulk said.

"Well, fine, but what about Flain? Won't he be worried about you two disappearing? It looks like he's pretty attached to you guys." Liam said.

"Okay, then we can make this a short walk. Flain won't even know that we left the room!" Zorch laughed. Vulk looked a bit uncomfortable. "But what if he does wake up?" Vulk said. Zorch laughed. "I'll just leave him a note!" Zorch said.

While Vulk and Zorch talked about what they might see in the new world, Liam began to look through the closet for some clothes he had back when he was a toddler.

"Hey, Liam, what are you doing? We need to go before the moon rises again!" Zorch teased. "I know I'm just getting you guys' disguises, and we can't let anyone know that you're mixels." A boot fell on Liam's head. "Why would we need to hide? I thought humans were a friendly species." Vulk said.

Liam froze up. "They don't know that they're fictional characters in this dimension." Liam thought, but luckily he had a good excuse.

"Because in this place, there are no such things as mixels, and judging by my reaction, other humans that see you might freak out," Liam said. Zorch gave Liam a quick glare before shrugging to Vulk, who was extremely confused by Liam's statement.

Luckily Liam got the mixels to put on the clothes. Vulk did it right away to explore with Liam, while zorch was a bit of a struggle since he was embarrassed by the cute duck pattern on his coat. Liam just put on a purple trenchcoat and some purple boots.

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