meet the infernites

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Liam felt like something was watching him, but he ignored the feeling because he saw how the earthquake damaged the front of his house, windows were cracked, wood was torn off, and Liam needed to make sure that nothing of value got destroyed.

Liam stepped inside and saw that some of the living room floorboards were creaky and that a window had a large hole in it.

Liam got out his notebook and proceeded to write down the damage and how much it would cost to fix it. Maybe writing could help get his mind off of that weird spiral.

Liam went upstairs and saw that his bedroom door had fallen off and a hole in his window; Liam wrote about the damage in his notebook.

Liam checked the guest room and saw some cracks in the windows and that a couple of pictures had fallen.

Liam went over to his father's study, but he didn't open it. Liam went to his room and opened a drawer, and he picked up a key. Liam went back to his father's study, and he locked the door.

Meanwhile, Flain woke up, his memory was blurry, but when he saw his surroundings, Flain's memories rushed back: getting knocked out by a muscle nixel, waking up in the bag, getting sucked into a portal, falling out of the sky.

Flain saw that his tribemates weren't with him and panicked. "Guys, where are you?!" Flain said. "Over here!" Flain heard Vulk yell.

Flain ran over to see that Zorch had a nasty bruise on his leg, and Vulk had a scratch on his hand. "What happened to you two?!" Flain asked, worried.

"I got scratched. trying to stop Zorch from going upstairs." Vulk said meekly. "I got bruised falling off the stairs because someone tried to get me to stop by hugging me," Zorch said, glaring at Vulk. "Now, I can't get up without my leg feeling like frostbite!" Zorch complained.

"Don't worry, guys. I'll go upstairs to look for bandages." Flain said, trying not to panic. Flain was about to go upstairs, but he heard footsteps coming.

Liam went downstairs, and he saw that the basement door had fallen off.

"There's probably a lot of damage down there." Liam sighed and walked down, and there was a large hole covered with rocks.

"Darn it." Liam checked the numerous boxes down there; luckily, almost all items were okay except a family photo of his dad and mom on their honeymoon with a gigantic rainbow in the background; it had a giant crack going down the middle of his father's face.

Liam threw that picture back in the box, not wanting to be reminded of who he called his father and the spiral that got stuck in his head. Liam walked upstairs, unaware of the five eyes watching his every step.

Flain couldn't believe his eyes.

A weird smooth pink creature with blonde fur and pink clothes opened the door, walked downstairs, and wrote something down while muttering something, and it went back upstairs.

Flain knew he wasn't on Mixia anymore. Flain noticed that the world looked weird too, it was so smooth, and nothing had the edges from Mixia. "Flain, where are we?" Vulk asked, having the same realization. "We're not home."

Liam walked upstairs and to the kitchen. Luckily it was okay, except a few cups fell and broke, and there were a few cracks in the floor. Liam swept up the glass, and he noticed a note on the fridge.

"Dear Liam, sorry I can't make lunch. An earthquake happened, and they needed some firefighters to clear the area. Love, mom." Liam read the note, swiftly put it back on the fridge, and put the broken glass in the garbage.

"Looks like I'm making myself lunch today," Liam said and swiftly put a pan on the burner covering it in butter and letting it sizzle.

Liam then got two fresh slices of white bread from the pantry and put them on the pan, the whiteness slowly turning into a toasty brown.

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