Breakfast and promises

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Everything was peaceful. Birds were chirping, flowers were blooming, and the news was doing a report on the strange markings that appeared on the riverway bridge overnight. 

But Liam was in an apocalyptic landscape filled with magma. Buildings were in ruins, and skeletons littered the ground.

"Why am I here again?" 

Liam turned around to try and find a way out, but then he saw him. 

Liam's father was right in front of him; he looked the same as the day he left, big beard slightly above average muscles, but this time he was wearing a crown made of fire, rocks, and lightning and on his back was a tattered cape with a police badge on it.

Liam's father slowly took off his crown and held it towards Liam. Liam huffed and turned around. 

"I told you once, and I'll tell you again, I'm not taking that crown! I'm not becoming a monster like you!" Liam ran off, but he could hear his father behind him.

"Are you sure about that? Because it seems that you're already becoming a monster."

 A mysterious voice said. Liam whipped around and saw that sitting on a throne made of lies was another Liam, but half of his body was that of a mixel. A giant horn was jetting out of his skull, and he too was wearing a tattered cape, but this time there wasn't a police badge on it.

Before Liam could question anything, he heard footsteps, and there was his father, still clutching that damn crown. Liam tried to run, but he was frozen, and the closer the crown was to Liam, the more he started to transform into his counterpart.

Liam cried as the crown was about to touch him but then out of the magma burst a phoenix; the mighty bird let out a cry that stunned Liam's father, and Liam quickly ran off. 

The Phoenix then swooped down and snatched Liam from the ground. Liam let out a surprised cry, and the Phoenix threw him into the air, and Liam landed on the beast's back. The two were about to land, but then Liam woke up.

Liam looked around and left out a large sigh of relief. Then last night's events hit Liam like a bus. Liam looked at the covers of his bed and gulped, hoping that at least that little detail would be a dream.

 Liam slowly took off the cover and sighed when he saw that his leg was still in its condition from last night, and his foot was still that of a mixel. 

"How am I supposed to explain this to mom?" Liam wondered as he moved his foot to make sure he was still in control of it. 

After giving it a good toe twiddle, Liam was pretty sure he was in control of it. 

Liam yawned and slowly got up and out of bed. Luckily, the new appendage didn't disturb his balance. 

Liam looked out the window, and the sky was a beautiful horizon of pink and red with hints of purple. Liam always loved seeing the sunrise but yesterday was a bit much, so Liam didn't have time to admire it.

Liam decided to take a bath to help cope with everything happening, so he went and got some clothes from the closet and then headed out. 

Flain slowly opened his eyes and gasped when he saw that he wasn't home. Flain shot up and nearly panicked, but he remembered everything that happened yesterday. 

Flain got up and smiled when he saw Vulk peacefully sleeping in his guest bed, but Flain quickly noticed that Zorch wasn't in his bed, and he sighed. 

"Zorch, bro, why do you do this to me?" 

Flain slowly crept out of the guest bedroom and shook his head when he saw that Zorch wasn't anywhere in the hallway; Flain quietly opened the doors to both bedrooms and sighed when Zorch wasn't there either.

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