Rock and Roll!

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Thank you to @Precureofhope147 and @CandyLovely148 for helping with this chapter!





Liam could feel his brain pounding in his head as he floated back to consciousness. Liam's eyes started to slowly flutter open as he let out a slow, groggy groan.

"What?" Liam groaned as he tried to blink so everything wouldn't be so blurry and as he blinked, he tried to remember what happened.

First Liam fell, then he hit the ground, and that's when it started getting blurry as his vision started fading and voices started calling out to him. Zorch and Vulk's voices were obvious as they were the ones calling out for him.



But there was one more voice he didn't recognize, and it was just when he fell into unconsciousness that he heard that voice.


The thumping in his head continued as Liam recounted the events and he groaned as he felt something was on his head. Liam reached up with a shaky hand covered in small, reopened cuts and felt his forehead. Thankfully, there wasn't any blood, just some pebbles that had fallen on him.

Liam dusted off the pebbles and rubbed his aching head as he got up on his shaky legs. He almost fell, so Liam gripped onto the rocky walls for dear life. As he tried to come back to his senses, Liam looked around the room to see where he landed.

Thankfully, the hole above him let the sunlight in so the cave was illuminated and that's when Liam noticed something odd.

It definitely wasn't a natural cave since the shape was way too square, it was as if it was carved out by someone to be a room of some sort. As Liam slowly felt the wall with his hands, he could also feel it was still pretty bumpy so the carving wasn't perfect.

"What happened here?" Liam asked himself as he noticed that there was a boulder blocking what looked like a door, and a way to escape since by looking up, Liam could clearly see that he wouldn't be able to climb out anytime soon.

Liam looked at the boulder and sighed.

"Oh god, how am I going to fix this?" Liam looked at his arms and knew they weren't strong enough to move a whole boulder, but he also needed to get out of here to find Flain and help him with the Cragsters.

As Liam thought, he remembered his promise to the Infernites that he'd help them find the other mixels, and he knew he needed to help them right this instant. It's the only way he could think of redeeming himself for accidentally giving them a massive existential crisis and complicating things so much.

"Alright, Liam, you can do this.. Hopefully. You promised to help them!" Liam rubbed his fists together and started pushing the boulder from the side, even though it wasn't even moving an inch.

"Damn it.." Liam cursed under his breath.

Meanwhile, Flain had finally snapped back to reality after Seismo grabbed him and Flain realized that Seismo had dug underground and now the two were running in some sort of underground tunnel.

"Seismo?!" Flain panicked as he saw his best friend's face and Flain instantly knew that Seismo was in full on fight-or-flight mode with nothing but his tunneling instincts being in control right now.

Flain knew he needed to calm Seismo down quick or else the whole park might collapse into a giant crater.

Flain looked up and his eyes widened when he saw roots jutting out of the dirt ceiling of the tunnels and he quickly thought of a plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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