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It was the middle of the day kids were playing basketball outside since school was canceled due to the supernatural natural disaster that took place yesterday and their parents were watching them from a distance at the local bistro that thankfully wasn't closed but something else was also watching the kids.

Shuff couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw the park. It was so vibrant and everything had little details but then Shuff and his brothers were chased by a horrifying wrinkly old creature with a cane, it got a couple of hits on Seismo cracking his left horn and Shuff sprained his ankle. Luckily the cragsters escaped by digging underground.

Fast forward and for the last two days they've been hiding underground and Krader has been trying to look for the others and he was also looking for a way home.

 Seismo has been making rooms for things such as cubits, beds, and other such things since seismo has been too scared to go back up to the surface because of the strange and dangerous. creatures up there.

Shuff wasn't allowed near the surface since his ankle was still in bad shape but he didn't care, he was intrigued by the fleshy creatures so he made his own secret hole that he would watch them from, it was astounding how the fleshy creatures acted because they acted just like mixels but without the mixing.

They had conflicts, they had friends and they even had their own version of rockball! It was amazing and Shuff wished that he could join in or at least have a closer look but his brothers only saw the creatures as threats and not friends.

But oh how shuff yearned to be a part of the fleshy creature's world with their fluffy fur and cool clothes but alas Shuff could only watch and listen to the new world around him. But then one of the fleshy creatures lost its ball and it rolled right next to Shuff. 

"Hey little dude, pass the ball!" 

Shuff got out of his hole and picked the ball up and threw it to the creatures but he missed the ball instead went in the hoop all the kids cheered and instantly became best friends with Shuff and the chef from the restaurant that always smelled good came to see what the ruckus and once she saw Shuff's pure rockball skills she instantly made a humongous geode pizza with extra crystals for him.

But then the other two cragsters came out and Shuff was scared but Seismo and Krader saw how friendly the creatures were. They celebrated with Shuff and all of a sudden all of the other mixels came out of the forest finding Shuff by the noise of the party, then everyone hauled Shuff into the air cheering his name.





Shuff awoke with a gasp to discover that he was being carried by Krader's big arm and Shuff also discovered that he had a huge bruise on his head.

"Shuff what was you thinking?! Fleshy creatures dangerous and you make hidey-hole to watch them?!"

Shuff quickly tried to come up with an excuse and failed.

"But fleshy creatures harmless!"

"Harmless? HARMLESS?! Fleshy creatures chase us with weapons, Fleshy creatures hit you with ball! How fleshy creatures harmless?!"

Well, that would explain the bruise and why Shuff was dreaming.

Krader sighed.

"Me sorry for yelling but me order Seismo to cover hole, no want you getting hurt again. Now lets get you bandaid for booboo."

To say Shuff was devastated would be an understatement but Shuff kept a straight face and nodded as Krader talked, plus if he and Seismo were busy filling in the first hole Shuff could sneak off and make another hole to watch the surface from.

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