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There was Kim Seokjin coming into the room

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There was Kim Seokjin coming into the room. The man who was Jungkook's main manager was standing there like a real hallucination sending all of them a curious gaze. Some girls broke out into rapid screams.

"Can I help you?" Handi bowed politely.

"Hello, I'm Kim Seokjin, representing my top artist Jeon Jungkook," the man spoke when the students began to jump and yell.

"Wow, that's..." Handi blushed. "Um..."

Sam squeezed Jimin's arm tightly when Seokjin cleared his throat.

"Jungkook is looking for a new dancer for a special performance, I've heard some of your students have potential, so I would like to see them dance now."

There was so much of yelling and sobbing in the practice room, Jimin's heart racing like hell as he must have been still dreaming.

"Pinch me," he whispered to Sam. "Ouch! Oh!"

"Jimin!" Handi sent him a killer glance.

"I'm sorry," he bowed apologetically.

"So, who will audition for me, I don't have the whole day," Seokjin raised all attention.

"Do you need a female or male dancer?" Asked Handi when Jimin thought he will die.

"Let's see a female and a male," Seokjin's face was sliced by a chuckle.

"Ok, Olivia, Jimin, come forward," Handi frowned.

"Go," Sam pushed him painfully as Jimin was too stunned to move.

He saw Olivia flipping her long ponytail back stepping out confidently.

Don't fuck up, please don't fuck up, he was begging himself slipping on the floor as his wobbly legs didn't want to carry him, but he was bowing low in front on Jungkook's manager.

"Those are my two best students," Handi seemed as overwhelmed as them.

"Great, please show me your latest routine," Seokjin crossed his arms watching them with great interest. Jimin's heart was pounding so loudly it was almost leaving his chest when Handi turned on the music to the showcase routine they had been practicing.

His body reacted before his brain did, so he came into the beat immediately, a huge part of the stress being lifted when he was giving it all, dancing.

The students applauded cheering for them, Sam was shouting to give him confidence, but Jimin was so lost in his dance world he wasn't looking at anyone, not Olivia, not Seokjin, just his own mirror reflection that was telling him he's on track. There was no way he would give such a chance in as it was some definite miracle, Kim Seokjin himself choosing their studio to look for the missing backup dancer, choosing their group.

The outro came and Jimin finished in a powerful pose hearing the room going wild, so he risked a gaze towards Seokjin, his face sliced by a meaningful chuckle.

"And?" Handi gasped so Jimin's skin filled with cold goosebumps.

"Both have potential, but I'm not in a position to decide. Both will audition in front of Jungkook. Jimin, Olivia, a company worker will contact you shortly, be prepared to audition tomorrow around noon," Seokjin sent them a warm smile when Jimin felt so dizzy he needed to grab the arm or the nearest student for hold.

He, should audition in front of Jungkook.

I will die, he thought trying to regain his breath feeling Sam grabbing him underneath the other arm to support him from collapsing.

"So, thank you for taking your time, I'm wishing you a great practice," Seokjin nodded politely before leaving the room when Jimin cuddled into his sister unable to believe in what has just happened.

"Can I?" Sam put her head into Jimin's room.

"Sure," he muttered hugging his pillow tighter.

Just a few hours ago he had been contacted by a Hype worker, who had given him a special entry pass and told him to be in the main company building tomorrow at 1 pm.

"Why are you sad?" Sam sat down on his bed, she was probably the only person who was supporting his crazy dream.

"Olivia will get the job," Jimin bit his lip as his chin trembled dangerously.

"Come one, she's nothing compared to you. She's a good dancer but you have the spark."

"It's not possible. She will succeed and it will break me completely, so I should stay at home tomorrow," even speaking about it was scratching his insides into wounds.

"You want to run away from your biggest dream, I mean that's pretty normal," Sam grinned.

"I have no chances, so..."

"What are you afraid of? That you can become JK's backup dancer?" Her clever eyes rested on him.

Jimin trembled, only a few bitter tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Hey, big bro," Sam caressed his arm.

He sobbed louder hiding his face into the pillow.

"Hey, speak to me," Sam hugged him while he was breaking down in her arms. It took long minutes of her just holding him till he was able to sit back again and dry his face with the hoodie sleeves.

"It's pointless to try," Jimin closed his fists.


"What if Olivia is his soulmate?"

"Why would she!" Sam almost screamed.

"She hasn't met her soulmate yet... me..." he hit the mattress when the image of a certain annoying dark haired boy crossed his mind.

"You've told me Taehyung isn't your soulmate," Sam's face darkened.

"What if he is?"

"So, why aren't you dating him?"

That question like a slap and Jimin sighed loudly.

"I still have hope that me and Jungkook..."

"You see. As long as you have hope you should do everything to try and get to know him, a chance like that comes once in a lifetime," Sam was watching him seriously when Jimin's heartbeat sped up.

"If you don't attend that audition tomorrow, you'll never know," she got up walking to the door when Jimin was sitting there, becoming one crazy mess again. What was he even doing here instead of being in the practice room and polishing a routine for tomorrow.

 What was he even doing here instead of being in the practice room and polishing a routine for tomorrow

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Thank you so much for your amazing support. How do you like the story so far? What do you think about the possibility that has opened up in front of Jimin? What will happen during the audition?

Much <3

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