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"Wow. Lucky you. It will be double difficult to return home," Sam giggled.

"Guess," Jimin sighed, he would gladly give all the glamour away for the peace and quiet of his room. "He hasn't spoken a word to me since I'm here. In the plane he had totally ignored me, as if I didn't exist. I mean tomorrow evening we're about to dance like two lovers and I don't even know how to look him in the eyes during today's practice."

"Hey, you have argued about something stupid. Why have you been late for the practice?" Sam rolled her eyes.

"I don't know. I went for a quick walk with Taehyung and Tan and suddenly it was 6 o'clock. As if I had fallen into some time loop where time passes quicker."

"Maybe you have enjoyed the time with your fake soulmate too much," Sam giggled.

"No, come on. I... there's nothing between us. I'm just trying to get some information about my past lives out of him," there was heat storming to Jimin's cheeks.

"Are you sure? I mean don't fall for your soulmate, Jungkook is mad enough," she mocked.

"Trust me I know," Jimin sighed walking to the other room to take some water and fill a glass.

"Hey, you have one day to make it right, use it wisely."


"I don't know, let your heart guide you."

"You're like Yoongi," Jimin giggled falling on the armchair facing the panoramic view.

"How?" Sam laughed.


"Annoying? Your beloved sister who had given you the ticket to Jungkook's concert, so your ass is now in that luxurious hotel in New York..."

She was teasing him and he smiled so happy that besides all that chaos he has an amazing family.

The huge lit up practice room was slowly becoming empty when the team of dancers for the other songs left, now it was only Jimin and Ranty here.

"I hope you guys will not fuck it up," Ranty sent him a serious gaze, so he nodded. "Jungkook had asked me to stay away from the last rehearsal, so it's between you to work it out."

"What!" Jimin yelled in shock, he was hoping the choreographer will become a shield between them, but Ranty only sent him a worried gaze then took his bag disappearing behind the door. There was now only Jimin's heart pounding in the silence of the practice room.

Why have I ever agreed to that.

"Hi," the door banged, there were quick steps and sneakers squealing along the wooden floor.

Jimin almost forgot how to breath looking up to spot Jungkook, extra fine with hair tight up into a man bun and a sexy jeans outfit over a plain black t-shirt.

"Hi," he whispered getting up to totter into the middle of the room. "Ranty has said we're practicing without him."

"We don't need him, it's between you and me," muttered Jungkook leaning over the laptop to switch some music on. "Give me ten minutes for stretching."

"Ok," Jimin stepped away sitting down in a corner at the back observing Jungkook warming up, his moves so sharp, he could easily go for a professional dancer.

Everything in him is there to attract you, Namjoon's words were coming back like a mantra when Jimin was left starting, unable to take his eyes off that rough beauty. If perfection could be a person it would be Jungkook. Their eyes met in the mirror and he gazed away quickly, his heart pounding.

"Done," said Jungkook was catching his breath.

"Ok," Jimin was ignoring the blushes stepping up towards the one who was always leaving him weak.

Jungkook left to stop the music then came back.

"We will go through the routine without music first then with music," he said.

"Ok," Jimin nodded trying to stay calm despite the goosebumps arising all over his skin.

Jungkook counted the beats and they moved in synch like they had practiced an endless amount of times, the touches like glowing coals raising the temperature in Jimin's body when he was spun over the floor then lifted by his hips. He jumped rolling over Jungkook's back, taking a perfect split over his head to be lifted up and spun like a flying star.

Jungkook helped him stay stable when his feet touched the floor again, both panting madly.

"I... I will play the music," Jungkook avoided gazing at him hurrying to the laptop when Jimin was still burning unable to concentrate on anything else but that burning touch on his body.
The music came, a soft ballad, so deeply destructive, because he had been a ruin inside out, yet he was here falling into the dance, into Jungkook's touch, like in some trance where there was nothing else left, just, them, dancing.

Soon he was in the air, a swan drifting through clouds, his head a bit dizzy and he slid down smoothly, his toes reaching the floor, but Jungkook only pulled him tighter into his body closing those strong arms around his waist.

"That's not in the routine," murmured Jimin looking up to caress his fingers over Jungkook's perfect jaw.

"No?" There were those flirty glitters he had missed so much in Jungkook's eyes again, his hot breath fanning over Jimin's lips twisting all his insides.

"That's not a way to win a bet," he breathed out fighting with his body that was screaming to close the distance, Jungkook's lips only inches away when he scooped back lowering his head. "Let's dance again," he muttered getting out of that heated hug, running to the laptop to restart the song.

"So, let's give our best tomorrow," Jungkook rubbed the backside of his neck awkwardly when they were standing in front of the practice room after giving it all into shaping the routine. Jimin was quite proud of their effort.

"Yes, let's give our best," Jimin smiled, he was about to return to his room, then dance tomorrow, go home, probably never meet Jungkook again.

"Yes, let's give our best," Jimin smiled, he was about to return to his room, then dance tomorrow, go home, probably never meet Jungkook again

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Thank you so much for your lovely support and I'm sorry for the slow updates. I hope you are still enjoying the story. What do you think about Jimin's considering with Sam and his practice with Jungkook? What will happen now?

Much <3

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