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There were cards emerging the more Namjoon was flipping the deck, bringing them up and down the table, frowning deeper, this madness continued until there were only two cards left

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There were cards emerging the more Namjoon was flipping the deck, bringing them up and down the table, frowning deeper, this madness continued until there were only two cards left. Jimin stopped to inhale watching some sweat drops rolling down Namjoon's forehead. His friend turned the first card over and he gasped seeing a dark creature in a clown mask. Namjoon's face went ghostly pale and he hesitated before turning the last card which of course had to be The Guardian of Heaven, that cursed card.

"What does it mean?" Asked Jimin, his voice like scratched.

"This is what I had feared," Namjoon bit his lip in a troubled way, the silence heavy between them when Jimin's fingers brushed the guardian of heaven card.

"This is my card," he muttered. "What is this?" He whispered watching the creature in the clown mask.

"Antisoulmate," Namjoon gasped out leaning back in the chair.

"What?" Jimin wasn't sure if he had heard properly.

"An antisoulmate," his friend looked straight at him. "Do you know what it is?"

"No," Jimin was now feeling cold sweat rolling down his spine.

"Some people are cursed, they... how to put it. They not only have a soulmate, but also a creature designed to stop them from being with their soulmate in every life they reincarnate."

"What does it mean? What is this antisoulmate."

"A creature of darkness, made so it is everything you ever wanted in a soulmate. Designed to attract you with each feature of its being. Irresistible, not able to be denied, yet here to trick you so you will choose your antisoulmate over your true soulmate over and over again, till your twentieth life. If you choose wrongly in your decisive life you and your soulmate will die forever, while the antisoulmate will be reborn again gaining new powers to destroy more lives," Namjoon was speaking while that terrible cold inside Jimin returned.

"That's why you don't remember anything from your past lives, you will not remember until choosing. Only then the blockade will be removed and all answers revealed, but if you choose wrongly it will be too late."

"So, who's my soulmate?" Jimin crossed his arms looking straight at Namjoon who frowned.

"Only you can answer that question for yourself. Judging by how Jungkook affects you, he's the antisoulmate."

"Of course you have to say that," hissed Jimin.

"It all makes perfect sense, he appeared in your life after you have met your true soulmate, he is twisting your head and heart, he is everything you have ever dreamed of, but he doesn't care a bit about you."

What if I don't have a soulmate, Jungkook's low voice sounded in his head, bringing back those words he had said in that bar, before they had kissed.

Just a few bitter tears rolled down Jimin's cheek as it all was making perfect sense.

"So I will never know the truth," he muttered looking outside the window on the sleepy dark neighborhood.

"At some point you'll have to choose, not choosing means death."

"Choosing means too!"

"Only if you choose the wrong one."

"I can't..."

The sharp ringing of the doorbell disturbed their raising argument.

"Who the hell!" Namjoon jumped up hurrying to the door when Jimin took the card with that strange creature in a creepy clown mask, that seemed to be laughing straight into his face. Why me, he thought closing his eyes when the door banged open and Namjoon gave out a cry.

"Um... hello," a man spoke clearing his throat and Jimin turned to see two people at the door, one was a horribly blushing Kim Seokjin, the second one a grinning Jungkook.

"Can we come in?" Asked Seokjin awkwardly.

"Ah!" Namjoon sighed opening the door further to let them in when Jimin needed to rub his eyes as was he hallucinating or were they really in Namjoon's tiny flat.

"Hi," Jungkook glanced at him quickly playing it cool.

"Um, may I ask why did you come here?" Namjoon was walking up and down the room fixing some books and table clothings.

"Came to find out about our future," Jungkook grinned sitting down in Namjoon's chair right across Jimin who wished to disappear immediately.

"Honestly, Kook was annoying the hell out of me, he wanted to speak to Jimin," Seokjin sighed. "They had apparently argued and we need Jimin as a dancer for an important performance."

"Yes," Jungkook spoke as if stating a fact when Namjoon's words came back so vividly.

He doesn't care a bit about you.

"Maybe I don't want to dance for him anymore," muttered Jimin watching the opposite block of flats rather than the man he hated and desired the most. The antisoulmate.

"Let us talk it out," Jungkook leaned over the table taking The Guardian of Heaven card and Jimin's heart double jumped.

"So, um... won't you give us a drink? We're guests anyway," Seokjin laughed when Namjoon let a porcelain kitten he was dusting off fall on the floor with a loud bang.

"I'll go make tea," he said running to the kitchen when Jimin rubbed his sweaty hands against his pants.

"So, talk," he said looking into Jungkook's flirty mischievous eyes.

"Um... I'd rather talk when we're on our own."

"Sure. Keep dreaming," hissed Jimin bitterly.

He knew all to well how that on their own could end. Those warm hands, soft lips, a tongue to melt, his body was glowing up like a falling star just by that vivid memory.

"Don't be complicated, let's leave the old men alone and go for a walk. You definitely know some nice places here you can introduce to me," Jungkook got up throwing The Guardian of Heaven card back on the deck.

"Jimin!" Namjoon walked out of the kitchen with two steaming cups sending him a warning with his eyes.

"I will just find out what he has to tell," the blushes all over his face were severe and he was sure he's acting foolishly, but Jimin jumped up nodding his head to Namjoon then taking his jacket from the hanger to leave the small flat behind Jungkook. His head was upside down, his legs like out of wool, but how could he find out who his real soulmate was without spending time with them. Yes, tell yourself those lies, he was shouting at himself, you're thrilled going out into the night with your antisoulmate.

 Yes, tell yourself those lies, he was shouting at himself, you're thrilled going out into the night with your antisoulmate

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Thank you so much for all your support. What do you think about the news Jimin has received? Why has Jungkook come to Namjoon's flat to speak to Jimin?

Much <3

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