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*contains smutt*

you both leaned in and kissed each other. he was a passionate kisser, sending butterflies through your stomach. sakusa pulled away slowly looking at you, you looked back at him with lust in your eyes.

suddenly you felt a heat rush up your spine. "kiss me more" you whispered. sakusa grabbed your chin and kissed you again but more roughly and needy, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist.

your legs were going up on his waist, sakusa got the cue and grabbed your legs, wrapping them around his waist, without breaking the kiss.

sakusa was out of control, he has never felt like this for a girl. he was usually never like this, but when y/n bumped into him, he felt something about her. but he knew he couldn't fall for her, she was one of "the miya's"

"fuck me please sakusa" you moaned in his ear. he looked at you, "are you sure, baby?" he looked at you with approval. "mhm" you nodded your head.

suddenly he smashed his lips on yours, you kissed him back, you felt his hands unzipping your sweater, you took off your sweater and threw it to the side, since you didn't have a shirt on you were just in your bra.

sakusa pulled away out of breath and said "no shirt on huh?" he chuckled. you blushed and continued to kiss him. he clipped your bra, your tittes plopping. he threw you bra on the floor and kept kissing you. you lifted up his shirt pulling it over his head.

you threw it to the side, you hands went down to his shorts and pulled them down, seeing his shaft pointing out of his shorts. sakusa kissed down your neck while taking off your panties, since you had a skirt on it was easy to take off.

"so wet baby" he whispered while rubbing your clit with his thumb, you whimpered a bit. "sakusa" you moaned. he chuckled and continued to kiss your neck, leaving a hickey on your neck.

you pulled down his underwear and but your lip, "put it in me" you whispered. sakusa nodded and inserted his sex into you. you let out a blissful sigh. he was big.

you adjusted yourself and so did sakusa. "ready baby?" he asked you. "yes" you said while bitting your lip. sakusa gripped his hands on your thighs and started going slowly.

you bit your lip to not let out any sounds, "don't shut that pretty mouth of yours, I wanna hear you baby" he said while letting out a little moan.

he went down and kissed your neck while still going in and out of you. "oh sakusa" you whimpered. "faster please" you begged him.

sakusa nodded and picked up the pace. the closet was full of slapping skin and moans. and sakusa felt so good in you, it was probably the best sex you have ever had.

"awh! sakusa, oh my god" you whined out. you felt your eyes roll back in your head, "your so fucking tight" sakusa moaned out. "and your so big" you also moaned out.

the room was getting hot, due to sakusa fucking you relentlessly. you haven't felt like this in a long time, your mind wasn't even thinking that your fucking your brothers friend. but honestly fucking who cares.

you your legs around sakusa, bringing him closer to you. making him feel every inch inside of you. you wrapped your arms around sakusa's neck. you moaning in his ear turned him on a lot.

"fuck" sakusa groaned, he felt him twitch inside of you which meant he was close to cumming.

suddenly you felt your stomach knot up, "sakusa, im gonna cum!" you moaned out. "fuck me too baby" he responded with a sigh, he went even more faster which almost made you climax.

 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘• k,sakusa Where stories live. Discover now