sixteen• 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙡

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narrators pov

it was very early in the morning. and you had just woken up, sakusa was still sleeping, so you decided to make him some breakfast before you guys left.

you rolled out of bed and went out the kitchen. you grabbed the eggs and bacon out of the fridge putting them on the counter.

you turned on the stove and put the pan on top of it, spraying some oil on the pan. you cracked open the egg and let it cook.

you know that sakusa loves his eggs sunny side up so you decided to make that. you grabbed another pan and put the bacon on the pan.

you let it cook before turning it to the other side. along side with the eggs.

you toasted some bread in the toaster and then grabbed a plate out and a cup. you put the eggs and bacon on the plate.

you placed the cup under the coffee maker and waited for the coffee to brew.

all of sudden you felt a pair of hands wrap around your stomach. you turned around and saw sakusa, who was kissing your neck.

"oh my god, you scared me babe" you said while enjoy the kisses on your neck. "sorry baby, you just look so good" sakusa said in between kisses.

"well I made you breakfast" you took the plate and gave it to him.

"thank you, darling" he smiled at you and sat down and began eating his breakfast. you sat down next to him eating your breakfast as well.

"i'm excited to meet your teammates" you said, taking a sip out of your chocolate milk. "yeah me too" sakusa smiled while taking a bite out of his eggs.


on the way to sakusa's practice with his team, you were nervous but excited at the same time. they all knew you were pregnant. and they seemed like supportive people as well.

since sakusa would always come back with little gifts for the twins. you also knew your brother, atsumu, was also playing in the same team as sakusa. so its nice knowing that his teammates support him.

"we're here!" sakusa smiled, he parked the car and helped you get out the car. he grabbed your hand holding it in his and walked inside.

it wasn't really practice, it was for sakusa to get his contract deal since he's joining the MSBY black jackals, a professional volleyball team.

you guys made your way into the building and took an elevator to go meet with sakusa's team. the elevator dinged and you guys were in the office. the doors opened and the whole team was already there.

the guys were excited to see sakusa since they went up to him and greeted him. but since sakusa was a germaphobe he didn't really like it but accepted it a bit.

"alright guys guys. this is my girlfriend y/n." sakusa introduced you to the guys. "hi nice to meet you guys" you smiled at them. "nice too meet you too y/n!" they all said in sync.

"Y/N!!" bokuto came up to you and gave you a big hug. "awh hi bokuto" you smiled as you felt happy to see your best friend.

"hi nice to meet you, im hinata shoyo" a boy with orange hair greeted you. "hi shoyo" you smiled at him.

"so how many months are you now?" bokuto asked. "well im 8 months pregnant and it seems like I might be delivering very very soon."

"damn, I mean I would too if I was trapped in a womb with my twin" shoyo said, everyone laughed at what he said.

"well i'll catch you guys later, im going to go sign my contract right now" sakusa said and put his arm around you, heading towards the office.

"hello kiyoomi, please have a seat" the guy said, sakusa sat down and you went out the room and sat down in the lobby they had.

you sat down waiting for sakusa. "hey y/n! why aren't you in there with him?" bokuto asked as he came up to you. "oh well that's sakusa's stuff so I didn't wanna be in there." you smiled and bokuto sat next to you.

"i'm sorry I haven't been in touch lately, i've been so busy" bokuto sighed. "it's alright bo, I understand. we graduated high school and now your doing your own thing. i'm proud of you" you pat him in his back and smiled.

"thank you y/n. I cant wait to meet these little ones." bokuto rubbed your belly and smiled. "yeah they're gonna love their uncle bokuto" you giggled a bit.

"uncle?! you meant it?!" bokuto said excitingly. you nodded your head yes and bokuto cheered. you laughed at his silliness. you were glad your twins were going to have so many good people on their life's.

"but are you good with the twins" bokuto looked over at you. you licked your lips and looked down. "I mean atsumu yeah. but not so much with osamu." you said mumbling.

"what why?!" bokuto sat up from his seat and squinted his eyebrows. "he thinks i should apologize to him for getting pregnant. when in reality I shouldn't be. he's not my parents" you sucked your lips in and sighed.

"your right, osamu has no right to be acting like this. maybe osamu feels some type of way. but then he is pregnant with yachi" bokuto rested his arms on his legs and sighed.

"you have all this support around you. don't let the negativity get to you" bokuto smiled at you. "thanks bo" you smiled back at him.

"alright im back" sakusa said while coming out of the office. "oh hey bokuto" sakusa went up to him and they did they're little hand shake.

"you ready for this years season?" bokuto chuckled. "i'm totally ready" sakusa chuckled with him. "alright i'll catch you both soon!" bokuto waved, you waved back at him and smiled.

you and sakusa went inside the car, and started making your way out of the parking lot. "so what did they tell you?" you asked sakusa.

"well theyre paying me 4 million to play and basically showed me everything and everything I needed to know and the rules they have" sakusa reached over your hand and held it.

"WHAT?! 4 millon?! each year or ?" you looked at sakusa surprisingly. "don't worry about it love. it's our money." sakusa said as he kissed your hand.

AUTHORS NOTE: hiii loves! sorry o haven't been uploading, summer has been crazy busy. BUT THANK YOU ALL FOR 1k READS! I LOVE YOU ALL! 💞 make sure to eat and get enough sleep! until next time <33

 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘• k,sakusa Where stories live. Discover now