ten• 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨

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narrators pov

"sakusa? what are you doing here?" you said shockingly.

sakusa stepped inside and hugged you, you were genuinely confused since you didn't tell him you were pregnant yet.

"osamu told me you were pregnant" sakusa whispered in your ear. you pulled away from the hug.

"what? and you came?!" you yelled a bit.

"calm down y/n" sakusa grabbed your hands and looked over where osamu was standing at.

"of course, you always butt in" you said while turning your head.

"y/n all I wanted to do was help you out." a osamu said.

"I don't need your fucking help! this is what I wanted to tell sakusa myself" you said.

"alright let's settle down and cmon let's talk" sakusa grabbed your waist and pulled you toward to your room.

you sat on your bed and so did sakusa.

"i'm sorry I didn't tell you any sooner" you started off.

"why didn't you tell me, baby?" sakusa said while putting a stand of hair in the back of your ear.

"I just thought you would leave me and not want any part of taking care of the baby" you sighed.

"no never, I want to be apart of the babies life. and I love you y/n.." sakusa said softly.

"really?" you said surprisingly. "yes I do, love" sakusa kissed your hand. "i love you too sakusa" you smiled softly.

sakusa grabbed your face and kissed you. it was one of those kiss were fireworks were everywhere. you were glad that sakusa was staying with you and helping you raise the baby. but you wanted to know the relationship status between you guys.

"I want you to be my girlfriend" sakusa said.

"what? really?" you laughed a bit.

"yes" sakusa nodded.

"well I want you to my boyfriend" you smiled.

"well it's official then" sakusa gave you a peck on your lips.

sakusa rubbed your belly and smiled at you. "after graduation, I want you to come live with me" sakusa said.

"really sakusa? im going to have to talk to my mom about it, but I do wanna live with you" you smiled.

"don't worry i'll talk to her, I just want you and the baby to come live with me"

"awh thank you baby" you smiled and hugged him again. "your gonna be a great daddy" you whispered in his ear.

sakusa kissed your cheek and pulled away from the hug. "cmon let's go talk to your mom" sakusa got up and held his hand out for you to grab.

you both went over to the dinning room and saw your mom.

"sakusa?" your mom took off her glasses and went to give sakusa a hug.

"sit sit please" your mom offered a chair to him.

you both sat down . "so I know that y/n is pregnant with your baby, and I want you to be apart of her life and the baby's." your mom said.

"yes of course Mrs. Miya. it's my responsibility and I want to be a father to my baby. and I want to apologize for not being safe" sakusa said.

"it's alright sakusa, and I am very glad you will continue to be in y/n's and the babys life" you mom smiled.

"yes and I also wanted to ask you is, I want y/n to come live with me after graduation, I have my own house and you can come and check it out, I just want y/n and the baby with me" sakusa smiled and looked over at you

"oh really? well I will allow this to happen, but I do want to check out the house." your mom smiled at the both of you.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Miya" sakusa got up and bowed down to her.

you mom nodded and smiled.

atsumu came up to you and sakusa. "hey look, just take care of my sister please" atsumu said while putting his hand on sakusa shoulder.

"of course, always" sakusa and atsumu shook hands.

"well I better get going" sakusa chuckled.

"wait no stay, please" you said while tugging on his arm.

you looked over at your mom for approval and she nodded her head yes.

"alright then, i'll stay baby" sakusa kissed your forehead.

"do you want some dinner, sakusa?" your mom offered.

"no it's okay Mrs. Miya, thank you though" sakusa said.

you dragged sakusa by the arm and went over to your room.

"I can't believe your actually letter her move in" atsumu said .

"well im glad sakusa didn't run away and not take responsibility. but I trust him with your sister. and please support her, thats all she's going to need right now that she's pregnant" your mom told your brothers.

they both nodded and headed back to their rooms.

while you and sakusa were in your room.

"I can't believe we're going to be living together soon" you smiled.

"me too, but one thing is, i'm kinda a clean freak" sakusa rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly.

"really? I am too" you chuckled.

the both of you laughed, "so maybe we should already choose the baby's name" you suggested.

"well what we're you thinking?" sakusa asked.

"if it's a boy I want him to be named after you" you smiled.

"and what if it's a girl?" he asked you.

"well you can choose the girls name" you said

"well I like the name Himari" he said while grabbing your hand.

"I like that too" you smiled.

sakusa kissed your forehead and put his arm around you. "you want to watch something?" you asked while getting the remote.

"yup" sakusa said while laying comfortably in your bed.

"but damn it, we finished all of the harry potter movies" you shook your head.

"it's alright, maybe we can watch a show now" sakusa said while dragging you close to him.

"hmm, ooo! what about euphoria?" you looked over sakusa.

"i'm down, I haven't watched it yet" sakusa nodded.

"alright then. euphoria it is then" you giggled...

AUTHORS NOTE: and yet the baby daddy and y/n are together and raising their kid or maybe kids... BUT ANYWHORE! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! but I also wanted to say my new book called "EUPHORIA" a iwaizumi book ;) is coming out soon! hope u guys will like this book! BUT THANK YOU FOR THE COMMENTS AND VOTES! ILYY <33

 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘• k,sakusa Where stories live. Discover now