six • 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚

167 3 11

narrators pov.
*contains smutt*

the week went by and your parents and brothers were leaving, meaning you have the house to yourself for the weekend. since they were leaving friday morning. sakusa was coming friday night. and you couldn't wait to have some alone time with him.

"your sure you'll be okay, y/n?" your mom asked you.

"yes mom, i'll be fine. this isn't the first time you left me alone at the house" you crossed your arms and told your mom. 

"hey stop all the sass, I don't want you to turn out like atsumu" your mom pinched your cheeks softly.

"MOM! WHAT THE HELL!" atsumu yelled from the upstairs room.

"Shut the hell up, tsumu!" osamu yelled back to atsumu from the downstairs living room.

"exactly what I mean" you and your mom chuckling at the twins.

you sat next to osamu, who was sitting on the couch. osamu put his arm around you, pulling you close to him. "you going to miss me?" osamu asked you.

"of course im going to miss you, goof" you said while hugging his waist. osamu smiled. "just dont do stupid shit y/n." osamu said.

"i'm not" you rolled your eyes. he hugged you back and let you go, smiling at him. "Cmon atsumu and osamu! we're leaving now!" your father called out to your brothers.

osamu got up and head out the door and so did your mom following behind them.

"be good y/n!" your mom hugged you. "I will mom" you hugged her back. "have a safe trip!" you yelled while they got in the car in drove away.

you slammed the door locking it. "finally, i have the house to myself" you chuckled while throwing yourself on the couch.

you were about to turn on the TV until you heard a knock on the door. you instantly thought that sakusa was coming so you hurried go the door and unlocked it.

"hey baby" sakusa said while stepping in. "hey sakusa" you smiled. he pulled you by your waist giving you hug, which you wrapped your arms around his neck.

you pulled away from the hug and sakusa grabbed you by your chin pulling you in a kiss. you really missed his kisses and his sweet mouth. he was really a good kisser.

you both pulled away and you smiled. "come in! you can set your things in my bedroom!" you pointed at your which was down the hallway. "alright, i'll be back" he smiled and went to go put his things away.

you sat back down on the couch trying to pick out a movie to watch. "what are you doing?" sakusa asked while he made his way to you. "well im trying to find a movie to watch" you sighed

sakusa sat next to you, putting his hand on your inner thigh. "well look, we can watch harry potter" sakusa pointed out. "i'm down with that" you pressed play and sat comfortable, your head on sakusa chest.

he grabbed your chin, you looked up at him. "yeah?" you said. sakusa smashed his lips on yours. you kissed him back, wrapping your hands on his neck, his hand traveled to your waist.

you pulled away and hugged him. "I missed you so much babygirl" he whispered in your ear. "I missed you more baby" you whispered back to him.

you kissed his face all over, leaving some kiss marks on his face since you had a pink lipstick on. sakusa chuckled and gave you kisses back on your face. you guys were laughing and enjoying each other.

"uhm sakusa?" you said.

"yes?" he looked at you.

"i wanted to talk to you" you said nervously.

 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘• k,sakusa Where stories live. Discover now