Chapter Two: Beginning of something new

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The sun beams through my room as the raggedy alarm clock goes off, I read on the clock 6:15am. I quickly turned it off to get up, I walked into the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I walked down the hall to my mother room to check on her, only to see she's still not home. I rolled my eyes grabbing my things to head out of the apartment. Hopefully she's okay. Everytime my mom don't come back I wonder if she's safe.

Once I got to school depression took over me. Here I hate to be around my peers. Either a female always bullied me or boys were mean to me. They talk about my clothes or hair. I kept my hair in a bun never really doing much to it. Far as my fashion goes I kept it plain and simple. Jeans, Shirts, old black Jordans that my mom would buy before she was heavy on drugs.

"Hey, Seven Right?" True saw me in the hallway as he was heading to his locker

I Smiled Remembering him from the other night. He had on black jeans with a red shirt, with his new red & black Jordans. One thing about True is he stay fly. I'm pretty sure he has all the new Jordans. His mom probably works at a Bank or as a Doctor.

"Yeah, hey" I said dryly

"Wassup with you"?

"Nothing, just-" I was cut off by Keley bumping into me

"OH MY GOD I KNOW YOU IS NOT TALKING TO HER TAVON" Keley looked him up & down

Keley & True broke up awhile back, word around school was True was tired of her. She would disrespect him in front of her friends or belittle him.

"Yo Chill out for real keley, why are you even talking to me" He seemed annoyed

"Hey Dike girl" she laughed and walked off

I started walking to my 1st period classroom not wanting to talk to True anymore.

"I know you're not Finna just walk in class without saying bye to me nor giving me your number" True said eyeing me , as he licked his lips.

The bell rang as I was nervously looking at True. Did he not just hear what Keley said?

"Uh..See you after class hopefully" I said rushing to walk away. I did not understand why he wanted my number but for now I'm going to dodge that question.

Later on that day once school was released. I took my ipod out & began to walk home, as I listened to the music. Often I thought about what my life could be like if my father was alive.



I was standing there watching my father & mother have a yelling war outside of our home.

"Michael I've told you it was not like that, you being overdramatic about what you saw."

"You're lying & you're going to get yourself in some shit if you keep going to him." My father said through gritted teeth

"HE'S NOT GOING TO HURT ME!" my mother hollered back

"Yeah keep telling yourself that." He was pissed due to my mom getting caught in the car with Red getting high. My father drove pass seeing her in broad daylight.

A Black SUV Pulls up I saw a man lower his mask stick a gun out the window. My dad turned towards me & my mom yelling out. To get down, I heard 6 gun shots. My dad was shot in the back of his head just as I layed Down. I heard my mother screaming cries "Noooo" or "god why". I was in shock. I still could hear the loud bangs with my ears ringing from it after. I can still picture the guy's face, Not able to come back into reality with seeing murder happen in front of me. After that I slowly started suffering from nightmares, PTSD , & Anxiety depression.

My mom still doesn't know what I suffer from. All she cares about is when to have her next fix. I never understood why my mom did not stop with addiction after My father died. I needed her just like any daughter needs their mother.

I was snapped out of my thoughts & music once an all red Audi 2021 pulls up besides me. I was gonna make a run for it paranoid not knowing if I was next to get shot or Red was following me to get to my mother.

A window rolls down showcasing True face. I exhaled While closing my eyes to mentally count to 5.

"Hop in" True says stopping the car

"Okay, I guess" I got into the car

He was quiet at first til he looked over at me.

"You're not a dike Seven and You're definitely not ugly. Ignore Keley hoe ass."

I thought that was nice of him to say, but then I was confused on the hoe part because he dated her? But then again I can see why their relationship didn't last.

"Thanks, I truly feel like she's an asshole that needs to leave me alone. You never know what people are going through."

"Yeah that's very true. Now what's your address so I can drop you off. You out here walking and shit."

I laughed at him

"2345 Crest Street"

"Okay" True cut on the air since it was starting to get stuffy in the car

"You know my area is rough right?" I looked over at him

"Yeah when you said Crest street. But why do you & your family stay over there?"

"It's what my mom can afford"

"Did your mother & father divorce or something?"

I wanted to tell him about my life, but was afraid if I said something it would make him feel or look at me differently.

"My...My" I began to feel emotional

True pulled over & looked at me with Worried eyes

"My father died shot & killed right in front of me when I was 5 years old"

"Damn, I'm sorry for you & your mom loss"

"Yeah he was my rock" I looked out the window at the sky

When I Said that True looked out the window thinking about his Mother. How she was everything to him. True started the car back up continuing to drive Seven home.

"You need to smile more beautiful, keeping shit inside or carrying it everyday just going to way you down, trust me I know."

"Thank you True," I said chuckling

"So when can I get your number, I Bought it up earlier but I see you were all nervous and shit."

"That phone bill never stays paid"

I never carried my phone around with me due to my phone always being off. So if there ever was an emergency I couldn't even tell my mother let alone call for help.

Out the corner of my eye I saw True dig in his pants pocket pulling out money.

"Here take this spend it on food, phone bill whatever" he handed me $900

"TRUE OH MY GOD NO" my eyes was huge wondering his parents must really spoil him

"It's okay Just take it & when you get everything squared away text me" True wrote his phone number down on a piece of paper when he stopped in front of my building

"Thank you so much" I took the paper & money grabbed my things to get out the car

I guess I'll pay the phone bill now. Maybe food first though.

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