Chapter Nine : Breaking Point

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I was sleeping in the most comfortable bed ever. It was fluffy and different from the old bed I had back at the apartment. As I opened my eyes I saw the sun beaming through the room. I looked over to see True still asleep. I remembered he didn't get in the bed til about 3 in the morning. He is drinking & smoking weed. He was acting distant lately. I know it's going to be hard for him with planning a funeral for his mother.

I got up to freshen up, once I was done I went into the kitchen to make his little brothers breakfast. We all had school but I know for a fact True is not going to go & I won't force him too either. I'm going to stay in to so he won't be alone with this.

I heard footsteps coming down so I figured it was Malik and Makai but surprisingly it was True.

"Hey how did you sleep?"

He looked at me with a weak smile then sat down

"I slept okay"

"I'm going to make breakfast for everyone"

True looked off to the side, im guessing he got caught up in his thoughts. He soon got up leaving the kitchen.

He went upstairs I'm guessing to get the boys up. They came back down but once I made eye contact with Malik he looked so depressed. I gave him a hug & his brother. I fixed their plates. Soon the bus pulled up for the boys, True walked them out. Once he came back in I decided to try talking to him.

"Hey I was going to miss school, to be here with you."

"Don't do that, you've done enough Seven."

"No babe you just lost you're mom ok? It's best if I'm by your side."

I saw a small smile appear on his face. The doorbell rung, we both made eye contact with each other.

"Wonder who that can be?" He took his phone out to pull up the camera when he did his whole mood shifted.

He opened the door to see a elder lady who was about 5'3 long brown hair & she was True mother's complexion.

"Tavon what happened? Why didn't you call me?"

He looked so pissed off that she's here.

"Why the fuck would I call you? You was not there when my mother was going through her illness."


"What the hell do you want?"

"Where are your brothers?"

"At school. Why? Look Aunt Bri we good okay we don't need nobody help. I got my brothers."

"Tavon you cannot afford this house & bills trying to raise your brothers all at the same time."

"I have a job I've been working since my mom been sick."

Im guessing True have not told anyone besides me about him being in a gang. But I feel like bullshit is about to go down judging by the look on his aunt face.

"I'm going to take full custody of the boys. Tavon hear me out."

He chuckled sarcastically

"No your not."

"You are not fit to raise two younger boys when you are young yourself."

"How the fuck you gon come up in here telling me what I can & can't do?"

"Tavon you could not raise two young boys and yourself you're only 17!"


I finally built up the courage to say something.

"Baby maybe she's right maybe you should hear her out." I said grabbing his hand

He pulled away fed up with the conversation

"No man I'm not doing this Seven."

True went into the kitchen leaving me & his aunt alone. I looked at her and she looked at me. I sighed

"He didn't mean that he's under alot of pressure."

True yelled from the kitchen

"Yes the fuck I did get her out of here now!"

I looked at his aunt closing my eyes for a Second.

"Could we just maybe talk about this some other time he's dealing with alot."

"Seven it is?" She asked

"Yes ma'am"

"I gotta get these kids out of here. Have you seen his temper? You're probably next to get the same attitude or worse."

She opened the door to leave out. Moments later, True came out of the kitchen.

"I'm sorry baby, she's just too much you don't understand."

"What do you mean? She probably really wants to help."

He looks at me squinting as if I said the wrong thing.

"So you think we need help?"

"Baby I-" he cut me off

"Nawl just be real"

"Look I'm going to give you some time so you can clear your head."

True walked up a little closer with his fists balled up.

"Seven at this point bullshit coming out of your mouth! I take care of my brothers I took care of my sick mom I pay for your phone bill. Seven if it was not for me you'll still be in your situation. I got money I don't need no one's fucking help."

When True said that my eyes began to tear up. How could he throw my situation in my face. I was definitely ready to leave now.

"Okay um... I'm going to leave to give you time to think."

"Now you wanna run? Do whatever the fuck you wanna do."

I grabbed my things from upstairs coming back down seeing True sitting on the couch with a mad expression. I left without saying another word to him. I saw keley car pull up I guess the day can't get any worse. She got out walking up to me.

"Hey Seven I heard about True mother is he okay?"

"He's in a bad mood right now. Why are you here?"

The front door opened before she could answer. True saw Keley getting pissed off all over again.

"You can leave Keley I don't got time for your shit!"

"I came to check up on you"

"Well I'm fine now bye"

He closed the door, I decided to get a uber back to my apartment since I missed school today. Keley got back in her car slamming her door pulling off.

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