Chapter Eight : Heaven Couldn't Wait For You

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                           TRUE POV:

My ears began ringing, palms became sweaty & I felt like the room was becoming dizzy. I tried to swallow but my throat was dry & clumpy.

"Tavon did you hear what I said?"

Dr. Martin had just gave me the worse news of my life. My mother was no longer living. She died, how was I to tell my brothers this? How was I gonna plan the funeral? Thoughts were clouded in my head as tears fell from my eyes, vision becoming blurry.

I turned around to start leaving the hospital not wanting to see my mom lifeless body or talk. I heard Seven, Malik & Makai behind me. Once we all got into the car Seven grabbed my hand.

"True what happened? Talk to me" she pleaded

I looked out the window then the mirror to see my brothers falling asleep not understanding what just happened.

"Shes gone" I said lowly

"Baby I'm so sorry" she reached over to hug me

I cried into her holding her tightly not wanting to let go. Out of all the girls I ever dated I felt a connection between me & Seven. She right here by my side through my toughest time. Seven got her own life problems she's battling but she put it all to the side for me.

"Thank you for being here"

I let go trying to gain control of my emotions again. Today was going so good but now it's like I don't want to live on this earth without my mom, she was my queen, my rock.

I started driving not cutting a radio on or nothing.

"Am I taking you home?"

"Do you want me to go home?"

"No" I looked at her then the road

"Well I should probably get some clothes & Stuff"


I drove us back to her apartment but when we pulled up their was two black trucks in the cut. I reached over in the arm rest for my gun. I saw Seven eyes widened.

"What are you doing?"

I pulled out my phone dailing my boy Tre

"Yo" he answered

"Could you pull up to my location"

"Yeah do I need the rest of the guys?"

"You can if you want, something don't feel right about two black trucks outside of Seven crib."

"Ight I'm on my way"

We got off the phone & waited til I saw my boys pull up, we all got out. The two trucks started to pull up next to us. I took the safety off my gun.

Me & the guys share locations in case shit goes down or if we don't hear from each other. We treated each other like blood brothers.

"Yoo Jahiem what the hell you doing over here?"

Jahiem looked at the guy that was talking out the window. He had the window halfway cracked. Thats when we noticed the voice. It was Jahiem dad Red.

"More like what the hell you doing just sitting in the cut?" Jahiem asked confused

"Looking for Sheri ass, I know she gotta come home soon."

I didn't know what they were talking about so I walked away meeting seven in the apartment. I had the boys watch after my little brothers.

Seven opened the door to the apartment looking around. She quickly grabbed an overnight bag out the hall closet heading to her room to pack.

I looked around at the apartment getting pissed off that she was living like this. I saw a picture of a guy, lady & Seven when she was younger. Seven was on a horse she looked about 5 or 6 years old.

"Okay I'm ready."

She saw me holding up the picture & smiled heading towards the door. But the door opened before she could open it.

It was a older lady with brown eyes, brown skin like Seven complexion. I'm guessing it was her mother. She had shades & a hoodie on.

"Seven where the hell have you been?"
She looked down at the bag she was holding

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Mom I'm done living here"

"Your ass Anit moving out, you are still a teenager that don't even know how to pay a bill!"

I looked at Seven, I couldn't tell if she was mad or going to cry. So I walked over to her to hold her hand.

"You good boo?"

"Who the hell is you?"

"Mom you're sick & you need help. It's not safe that you continue living like this until you get some help I will not be staying here."

Seven walked passed her mother holding my hand for us to head back downstairs. I was proud of Seven for finally speaking her mind and standing up for herself.

I was going to let her stay with me for as long as she needed to, plus I knew I needed the company.

But soon my thoughts got heavy about my little brothers. I wanna keep them out of the system, like my mother wants. I know it's going to be hard telling them that mom is no longer living.

Once we got back to the house, I looked around seeing memories of my mom. The house felt empty & cold soon I heard Malik coming towards me.

"True is mom going to be okay?"

I closed my eyes feeling mentally drained. Telling Malik this was going to crush me even more.

"Malik Mom is in heaven, she's not here no longer."

Malik started to cry & all i could do was hug him. Makai was still sleeping but soon I was going to have to tell him too. I knew I was going to find myself drinking & smoking later I did it when my dad left us. My mom didn't know about it til I walked in the house & she smelled it on me. She got upset about it telling me not to ever do it again. But that's the only way I deal with my stress.

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