Catching Up

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【︎  Some Kind Of Nature - Gorillaz  】︎
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I looked away from my window to find someone smiling at me. The girl was a tall brunette with sparking green eyes. She looked familiar I just didn't know where.

I had to know this girl. I mean she knew me. So where do I know her from? High school maybe? Yeah that's probably it. But how? Did I have a class with her? That's when I finally figured out who it was.


"Hey! Long time so see!" She slipped into the seat in front of me, pushing some of her long brown hair out of her face. "God, it's so good to see you!"

I returned her smile, still slightly shocked that she remembered me. We sat together in a couple of class throughout high school. I never considered us good friends. To me she was just someone to talk to when class was unbearable. "Yeah, it's great to see you too. What have you been up to?"

She shrugged. "Nothing much. Haven't had much to do since graduation. I never realized how much of my time was being taken up by school." She waved it off dismissively. "What about you?"

"Oh, I moved into Addison Apartments not too long ago. Besides that, I haven't really been doing anything." I responded, taking a sip of my coffee. I wasn't going to mention that "not really doing anything" really meant sleeping all day, talking to my cat, and avoiding conversation with neighbors.

"Addison Apartments?" She seemed confused.


She shrugged. "Nothing, that place is just strange to me." She shook her head as she tapped the table with her fingers.

"Strange? What makes you say that?" I questioned.

"Some of my friends lived there in high school and when I went over there I'd get a strange feeling. I don't know, the place just gave me the creeps."

I thought about it for a second. If I was being honest, I was so used to staying in my apartment and trying to ignore anything that existed past it that I sort of looked over how strange it was. The creepy elevator, Mr. Addison himself, even the people who lived there seemed strange. I shrugged as I continued with our conversation.

I let out a small chuckle, "Yeah, I get what you mean."

We talked for another good 30 minutes, about everything and nothing just like we had done when class was too much for us. For the first time having a genuine conversation with someone in weeks, this was going pretty well. I didn't expect anything less from Ash. She was sweet and outgoing, she could read people scarily well, and always seemed to know what to ask or bring up next. The only thing that broke our conversation was Ash's phone going off. She paused for second before beginning to wrap up the conversation.

"Shit, I have to go." She told me putting her phone in her pocket.

"Oh, is everything ok?" I asked.

"Yeah everything's fine. It's just...You remember Larry?"

I did. We all shared an art class together during our freshman and junior years. I wasn't any good at art and really i felt like I was intruding on their friendship whenever we spoke. They were so close, I felt strange when they asked for input or said something to me.

"Yeah, I remember him."

"We're going to a party tonight. I'm supposed to meet him at his place in about 30 minutes or so."

So that's why she was dressed up. I hadn't really noticed her outfit till now. She wore a black crop top, light blue ripped jeans along with black heels. From what I could remember, compared to her usual laid back clothes, this was much different.

I was prepared to say goodbye when I watched her face suddenly light up. "You should come with us!"

"What? No, no I don't think I could."

"What? Why not! It'll be fun!"

"Are you sure Larry wouldn't mind? I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"A bother? Y/n are you hearing yourself? Larry wouldn't care." Her bright smile and happy nature was becoming contagious. "Come on, it'll be so much fun!"

I finally caved. "Fine! But I have to get ready first."

"Yay!" She cheered. "Getting ready will be no problem. You said you live in Addison Apartments? Larry does too. Do you need a ride?" She asked, motioning to the near empty parking lot.

Though it wasn't too far of a walk, I didn't feel like walking back. It kind of took a lot out of me. I accepted her offer and we left the café.

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