In the Brilliance of the Return

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(a/n: hey y'all! this is a real self indulgent fic i started to feed into my own delusions! hope y'all enjoy! just so y'all know i may or may not regularly update this just bc i have more pressing matters going on all the time (i get no peace). this fic is gonna feature lots and lots of headcanons too since my sweet boy didn't get the spotlight he deserved in the damn game. pls god forgive any comma splices you come across. please feel free to comment any ideas and i'll try to incorporate them into the universe im weaving! without further ado, ttfn.)

July 13th, 1891: Letter to Ominis Gaunt


First, let me say that I miss Hogwarts so very much (you included!). Returning to the muggle world after the year we've had, well- it's been difficult to say the least. That said, I feel much safer without the constant threat of goblins, poachers, and the like. Despite this, I cannot wait to return so I can see all of our friends again. Have you heard from Sebastian since the summer holiday began? I'm worried about him, and I'm sure you are as well. I hope you aren't too terribly lonely staying at the castle this holiday. I suppose I'm worried about you, too.

In other news, as I'm sure you can hear, I've worked out a charm that will read my letters aloud to you in my voice. Sorry it took me a while to get the charm right, and that's why it took so long for me to finally send you an owl. Don't worry, this one won't explode like all those howlers you get from your parents.

Oh! I almost forgot the reason I wanted to write to you in the first place! Happy birthday, Ominis!! How I wish I could celebrate with you in person. However, I know how much you love your sweets, so I'm sending along a birthday cake made from scratch, just for you. I make a pretty delicious red velvet if I do say so myself. Enjoy!

I look forward to your response, my friend. It has been much too long since I've been able to speak with you.

Have the happiest of birthdays,


July 21st, 1891: Letter to Katherine Hawthorne

My dearest Katherine,

What a gift it was to hear your voice again! Thank you so very much for the well wishes for my birthday. I don't typically celebrate, but it warmed my heart to receive such a kind gesture. I must admit you know my tastes well; the cake was delightful.

As for Sebastian, I haven't heard anything from him since the last day of class. He left, presumably to find Anne. Without him, there is no summer in Feldcroft. I assure you that you needn't worry about me, however. I will manage just fine.

Do let me know if you need anything. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to readjust to a muggle household. And please, feel free to send more muggle sweets. I believe I've completely eaten my way through Honeydukes at this point.

Sweetest regards,


August 1st, 1891: Letter to Ominis Gaunt

Hello again Omi,

At your request, I've attached some of my favorite sweets to this owl. Please let me know how you like them!

I've come to realize that being muggleborn does tend to complicate things. It's certainly not suspicious to have owls coming to my house in droves after I've returned from my "exclusive private boarding school," as my parents so believe. I'm beginning to think they're suspicious of what we're learning since I cannot answer any of their questions. I do hope they keep to their own about this.

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