In the Brilliance of Genesis

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(a/n: thank you all so much for your support so far! i'm having so much fun writing this fic and i rly hope yall enjoy it so far! more content will be coming to my tiktok soon too! ttfn!

oh and disclaimer: i do not know how to waltz)

10:39am - October 22nd, 1891: Arithmancy Classroom

When I walked into the old arithmancy classroom, Natty was already waiting for me.

"Kitty, what was it you needed to speak to me about?"

"I'm afraid it's not the best news. Let's wait for Poppy, then I'll explain."

Natty nodded once, just as Poppy came bursting through the door. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Kitty! What's the matter? Oh! Hello, Natty!"

Natty smiled and waved at Poppy as I motioned the Hufflepuff over to our huddle. I knew both the girls would be more than willing to join the fight, but my conscience was still ridden with guilt about it. I took a deep breath as I started.

First, I explained Isidora Morganach and the Keepers, the trials, everything they weren't involved with last year. They each had a very limited picture of the situation. I answered their questions as they came, being sure to fill them in on every detail they missed. Then, it was finally time to ask for their help.

"The remaining repository of ancient magic is below the castle," they began to interrupt, a look of shock upon their faces, "but it's in danger. When I fought Ranrok, it was damaged somehow. I need your help to repair it."

"We will do everything we can. Just tell us what we need to do." Natty's bravery was always a forefront of her personality, but I oftentimes wondered if it could cause her more harm than good. She took the Cruciatus curse for me last term, and although she says she doesn't regret it, she was bedridden for weeks.

"Absolutely. Lead the way," Poppy agreed. She would follow her friends anywhere, even if it meant disaster.

I sighed heavily, a weight on my shoulders I'd long forgotten finally lifted. "It might be dangerous, and you'll have to learn how to wield this type of magic. It's going to be a long journey, and once we enter this together, we cannot turn back."

The two girls looked at one another then me, nodding in unison. I smiled a sad smile at them, trying to keep tears from spilling in a mix of relief and remorse. I couldn't stop them in time, and before I knew it I was wrapped in the embrace of both of my friends. Natty whispered softly to us, "We will get through this together."

6:13pm: The Undercroft

I received an owl shortly after my chat with the girls from Ominis. He requested that we meet in the undercroft at six, but I had gotten caught up with working on Anne's muslin in the Room, making me late. I hated being late for anything, and I especially hated the thought of leaving Ominis to wait for me.

I walked briskly to the Defence hallway, down the stairs, and used the handrail to quickly turn toward the undercroft. I caught Ominis as he was leaving. "Ominis! I'm terribly sorry I'm late. I got caught up in a project."

He smiled as he heard my voice, meeting me at my side and turning toward the undercroft. "That's alright. Come, I'd like your help."

I followed the boy into the secret room, and I was reminded of Sebastian and I's adventure the night previous. A blush filled my face as I bent forward and picked up the ribbon I had left behind from the floor. Ominis had already conjured a small orchestra's worth of instruments in the far corner. I know I told him I would teach him to dance, but I had hoped it could wait for a little while longer - just until I was sure that I was completely over Ominis. He sensed my hesitation.

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